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Now that we have 'touched on' the fields involved in creation -
The liquid crystal light
The star torus flux from core implosion
White light and the splitting of light into 2 forms, white and grey creating the double helix function of the torus through destructive wave interference
The electrical and magnetic fields
The Universal grid of electromotive tubes
Star evolution/sun evolution.
We now bring these elements into the creation of an organic being.
We begin of course at the beginning, Light.
We have established the electromotive field, the tubes and that the tubes are the consciousness. The consciousness is light and when connected to an 'orb'- our soul, a circular field creating the torus. Drawing light through from the 'black hole' ending in a 'white hole', creation is an infinite field. When the tube 'heme' structure of a light being is established and it crosses the dimensional barrier, the alpha waves in the 3rd dimension establishes organic outcome.
So again we view the process of the '3 pillars' involved in the 12 stages of the Sephiroth, the Tree of Life. 1. Light 2. Electromotive Tubes 3. Organics.
How do tubes through the light 'orb', the soul, perform this outcome?
We go back to look at the magnetic field and how the 'finger like' tubes are drawn together, interlacing a grid. We view the entrance of the light orb expelled from the 'Mothers womb', as the liquid light orb, so the closest example of this event would be to look at a comet, as the Universe enacts the 'blueprint' of creation.
At this
point in the satellite's passage, the magnetic field falls to zero, as it then
passes the midpoint of the entire electrical discharge. The departure from the
comet, apart from an asymmetry in tail dimensions, is said to be a mirror image
of the entry. Figure 2 shows that the direction of magnetic field is now in the
opposite direction as it was during the entry. It is not draped down the tail,
however, it is into the page, perpendicular to direction of total current.
But if the currents were concentrated into force free 'super prominences', they could push the plasma around without the plasma getting wound up itself, and start the process of forming planets by pinching plasma together. Here we will assert that instead of planets forming, neutron points are established, the beginning of 'points' where cells begin to develop. Their concentrated magnetic fields would transfer angular momentum efficiently and the filaments themselves would roll through the plasma without being unstable, as a dispersed field would enact.
This principle can then also be aligned to the 'growth of the Universal Grid' and the Earth's movement into evolution and growth back to the 'womb', as the same asserted pattern is seen as the Sun as nucleus point in the dark rift in 2012.
So again we can view how we are re-connecting and moving dimensions into new grid points formed in the Milky Way centre. That the grid or matrix is the energy system that creates the function for a human organic body to form - 1st human.
The next pertinent question is how did the
'human form' evolve through the tube structure, as we were 'made
in the image of God'. So we look to
the 'body of God' and that itself is a 'created field
outcome', an embodiment.
Turning this picture on its side shows us the
'universal blueprint' for an organic human form following the body of
God-creational outcome in the energy field. Placing 7 orbs, we then have the 7 defining energy points of the human
aura, emanating the chakra fields at 'beam position' or core body
point. Whatever structures we find in
the Universe is also found encompassed in a miniature version in the human
We then need to define the
outcome and function of the tubes. We
have already asserted the creation of the double helix and how at the
'step up' of the twinning the 'black hole or vacuum point'
is enacted at the destructive interference point, to then return to light. This creates the electromotive field where
'light' flows into the human form for cell subsistence.
This we
define is created through the 'swing'
action of a magnetic/electric field that forms through toroidal action.
We know that through the DNA spiral, organics form
from an asserted grid pattern, so we have included the structure of water to
again assert how 'tubes of liquid crystal light' form star patterns,
found in cell structure.
Utilising pictures of 'galaxy development'
applies to human form, as the asserted blueprint of creation is found in all
form. We look at the developing patterns
that assert from a core 'beam' action forming tubes and grid patterns
to cell development.
The basis of the mutual attraction I believe might be accounted for by
the fact that each particular instance of an infinitesimal in a discrete or
discontinuous state, leaves a hole or shadow-effect in space-time once it
alternates out that place. This invites replacement of the hole by another
entity. In effect, a transition of a particular infinitesimal from one state to
another creates the possibility for the transition of another infinitesimal
from some other state to the original state. That the likelihood of transition
from a complementary state is greater than a transition from an oppositional
state creates relative points of equilibrium in each of the areas to which
particles find stable pathways.
The basis for self-organisational stability of such clusters must arise from the minimal binding of such clusters into spin binding, or oscillatory patterns about a common pole that is created by the mutual oppositional mediation of infinitesimal clusters about a common saddle point of equilibrium.
We would need to describe the state-trajectories of a minimal spin control mechanism of such a system.
In other words, complementary and oppositional clusters come into juxtaposition with one another in space-time, such that the mediation of two opposing clusters by a mutually complementary cluster accomplishes a stabilisation of the two oppositional clusters in relation to one another, and in relation to the complementary cluster. Velocity of Propagation ~
The vector depictions of Figure (6) are for EM propagation in the pure rhysmoid, i.e., the vacuum. Since the universe is like a cinema, with each frame in the cinema of existence lasting for Planck Time, T*, a rhysmonic field reversal, e.g., the magnetic field reversal, must occur only after a new frame has begum, i.e, after this time interval of T* has passed. ]
Also in this time interval a rhsymonic vector has moved or 'jumped' a distance of Planck Length, L*. Therefore, the translation of these rhysmonic 'effects' is Planck Length, L*, in Planck Time, T*, which gives a Planck Velocity, C*, or as is calculated out, C, the known velocity of light (or EM waves) in the vacuum! Since repeated rhsymonic field reversals occur during the electric and magnetic field generations, as well as in this propagation process, the velocity of propagation must be this constant L*/T*, and is thus dependent of wavelength (frequency) or other factors such as initial velocity or energy. The only way the velocity of propagation would change is if L* and T* change. This is possible in 'matter' where the matrix structure is tightened or loosened, or under conditions where space and time are 'dilated' as per relativity theory.
Each of the individual clusters thus achieves state-stability within the contra-positional system that it would not separately have under random conditions. This arises from a principle that two contra-posed infinitesimals cannot coexist in contiguous or adjacent points without interposition occurring of a third complementary infinitesimal. While like tends to attract, opposites tend, on average, to repel or distance themselves. This self-distancing effect of oppositional states invites a third intermediary state.
However, if a stream of such 'particles' is allowed to pass through a
narrow slit, as shown in Figure (7c),
the coherent nature of this radiation (it is all generated in the same manner)
can introduce other effects due to absorption and re-radiation from the slit
edges, to create an apparent wavefront. i.e., spherical and plane waves as depicted in Figure (7c). Therefore, EM waves generates at the atomic dimensions
are generally 'particle' in nature, or photons, while macroscopic effects,
generated by many photons, or large radiating structures, are generally
recognized as waves. Thus particles and waves are but different aspects of
rhysmonic effects in the vacuum. The smaller the wavelength, the more
particle-like the effects.
Aligning this to the water diagram, we can view how
the 'tubes' engage structure through beam projection. In each creational field we discover the
asserted pattern of 'tubes', fractals, orb, spin, velocity, dimension
rotating around beam emission.
Top: An electron circles around a magnetic line of force
Bottom: Two currents moving along parallel lines of force will create
magnetic fields that pull the two currents together
Looking at a magnetic field as an interactive system with a television, utilising the crystal source of the tubes inside a t.v., as our field is a system of crystal light tubes, we can view our outcome as a shield of repulsion, showing how the Earth creates this field and the human body creates this field in the auric energy structure. This becomes our shield to ward off incoming energy fields and for the human being they are viruses. Looking at the Earth's protection, we can see how a 'healthy aura' can destroy a virus before it penetrates its head into our energy tubes.
Magnetic shields don't block lines of force; they have high permeability, vastly more than air, and they guide the magnetism around what they are shielding; they make it bypass the protected items. One might think that the result of the Earth's or stray magnetic fields would only be for the picture to shift position slightly. Why isn't this the case?
Magnetic fields don't really 'pull' on charged particles, they result in a force at right angles to the field lines with a direction dependent on the charge (negative for electrons, positive for protons) and field (North or South). The magnitude of the effect also depends on the energy/speed of the particles and their mass.
If the field is in the direction of the tube axis, electrons going toward the right will experience a shift in the opposite direction as those going toward the left (as the beam is deflected).
Looking into beam tilt projection involved in the vortice, I was drawn to this fact when dishwashing. A glass rim, slightly tilted was receiving the full flow stream of water (the beam), it was hitting the tilt of the glass rim, which forced the flow of a vortice into high speed at the rim. This principle shows that as the vortice moves its projection position, it receives different velocities, altering the vector output. Again it instates the flow-step up movement of a vortice through angulation.
The magnetic field creates the line of force, so holds the field shape, which aligns us to the picture of the magnetic field created in space from Orb activity. The magnetic field then organises the field shape of a human body. This picture defines 'the outline' of a human form, the tubes then form to produce cells and cells form.
Originally the light being consumed no food as glucose was produced from the liquid chlorophyll or liquid light. Our light body is a collective action/multiple tube convergence. Moving from the light field into the organic field, the liquid chlorophyll bonded with iron through the alpha wave and the heme tube formed haemoglobin.
Any plasma with sufficient energy will create a vortex filament. Force free filaments, those with the most twist, will grow faster and dominate. They will pinch plasma together, forming thick, dense ropes. These filaments grow until gravity breaks them up, producing blobs of plasma spinning across field lines of huge filaments.
This in turn will generate inward flowing currents that will produce a new set of filaments, repeating the cycle, spinning an ever finer web of matter.
When two Birkeland currents are parallel they experience a long range
attractive force that brings them closer together, or pinches them. When they
get very close, a short range repulsive force holds them apart so that they
maintain their identity.
The result is that separate Birkeland current filaments come together to form
pairs and the pairs form a twisted, filamentary 'rope' of electric
current in space. Plasma physicists have shown that Birkeland currents can
remain coherent even over vast intergalactic distances.
Through these step functions, the Universe produces form, energy tubes that through the toroidal motion bring the universal energy into the cell structure. The dimensional space regions present the bonding agents to create organic form. The 'type' of magnetic field established will induce the 'attraction elements' to combine with the liquid light in the 3rd dimensional field of organics. Through this attraction series we develop a diverse organic system.
Our organic Mother's womb works the same as the Universal womb. The eggs emitted are the light orbs with the neutron point and line connected to the DNA system. The DNA system establishes a monumental field where many have impacted on the 'series' or pattern of the DNA. DNA is the link humanity has to the Universal Grid and when established, the light body through the DNA re-joins the grid. This is how intricately bound we are to DNA and defines the impact we have in life on the 'series'. If we damage it through destructive emotional tendencies, we then incarnate back into this 'series' to heal it. These are the pathways that can be travelled by a medium or Healer to find the elements involved in the ill health that manifest from the DNA linkages. This is how we found that 'parental emotional trauma' was also bound in our patient's illness.
Over the patient's life, all emotional trauma became part of the 'framework' of these energy tubes that DNA creates. This is a rotation 'frame', a lens position in the tube. This is why trauma is the main constituting factor to ill health.
In these instances, the DNA pathways become damaged 'struck' by negative energy on the lights journey through the tubes.
Again it is relevant that the 'Mage' knowledge be opened to the world so that realisation of how a human body functions between organic and light function is made apparent. Understanding the toroidal motion, the cross over points, or step up, creating the 'vacuum points' in the spiral, to then twine into higher velocity, gives us the example to our body function. How various organs energy fields spin at lower velocity fields. That the auric field is relative to human health and how the organic body was created through the magnetic field interacting with the electric fields.
We are made in God's image, God the Creator being LIGHT and we function through field outcome. This is the MATRIX OF OUR LIFE.
The following website gives insight into the matrix system of our brain to the co-ordinates of the astrological system. The brain is directly aligned to the Universal Grid, the brain form being a series of tubes. Understanding how Astrology, the planet movements affects our biological self then defines how our 'spirit self' develops through character alterations from emotional impact. As the magnetic fields alter, our feelings alter.
Astrological Matrix and the
Neurobiological Basis of Human Behavior
Edward Frederick Block IV, Ph.D.
We need to study the mechanisms involved in water involving electrical and magnetic fields, so we look to those who implement water quality.
Water flowing in the soil is affected by the Earth's natural magnetic field and has a higher potential than the surrounding rock. This creates an attractive force, dissolving the limestone and other mineral salts (mainly calcium and magnesium), much the same as sugar or salt dissolves in a glass of water. One has to remember that these minerals play an extremely important role in the metabolism of all living organisms, which constitutes the foundation of all biological processes.
In order to achieve maximum positive or negative voltage in a fluid, only the single (mono) pole influence can be used.
Then water flowing in the heme tubes, as liquid crystal light would be affected by the magnetic field of the aura so plays a role in metabolism. When the 'tubes' are magnetised around the circumference, one of the poles faces the fluid, while the opposite pole radiates an insignificant part of its power away from it. So this shows us how 'polarity' affects the light flow, whether it is negative or positive. When the magnetic field alters, then the 'vibration' of light alters.
The history of scientific research regarding the influence of magnetic field on passing fluids dates back to 1831 and concerns mostly the experiments made by Michael Faraday and James C. Maxwell. Faraday discovered that water flowing past a conductive material will generate a weak electrical charge. The first known patent of a device ameliorating water characteristic through the use of a magnetic field of a solid magnet was filed for protection in Germany in 1890 on behalf of France and Cabell. At the turn of the century a Dutch physicist, Dr. Johannes Diderik van der Waals, discovered that hydrogen has cage-like structures, which, when combined with carbon, form pseudo compounds.
These molecular forces of mutual attraction and repulsion which stay next to each other ('van der Waals forces'), when influenced by a magnetic field decluster and then interlock (bind) with additional oxygen. This may result in dramatic increases in combustion efficiency, and ascertained that due to them e.g. gases condense or water coagulates.
'Pure' water is a polar liquid, i.e. part of the water molecule has a positive and part of it has a negative, electrical charge; but, overall, the net electrical charge is negative. Thus, the water molecule being a small magnet (dipole), one may effect its magnetic (or electric) field by causing the molecule to turn or rotate in one direction or the other, taking on a positive or negative higher potential, depending on whether the S (South, positive) or N (North, negative) outside magnetic field had been applied.
It has been firmly established in the world scientific theatre that the Positive, expanding, field influence of the South Pole makes liquids more soluble (lowering surface tension); thereby hydrating, dissolving, and removing calcite and other mineral/various water by-product build-up. The Positive field hydrates all mineral build-up by de-clustering the liquid and solid pre- and post nucleated crystalline
Orientation affects the aggregation and crystallisation of a water molecule causing increased hydration (water saturation), solubility and selective ionisation, thus changing fluid physically, structurally and behavioural. The mobility of ions in water solution is considerably increased. The negative contracting field influence of the North Pole has a diametrically opposite effect on fluids.
The energised and amplified (magnetised) molecules, like little magnets, uniformly line up end-to-end as the net charges are all equalised by being energised by the external magnet influence. Thus, the polarisation consists of changing the chaotic molecules of liquid or gas fluid into such fluid, which has equal charge and is uniformly linearised.
In the magnetised 'linear' condition, the more positively charged hydrogen (H) tend to shield the negatively charged oxygen. The result shielding is what changes the net negative charge of the non-magnetised water molecule to the net positive charge of the magnetised water. Therefore, magnetising will change the water's net charge so that the carbonate molecules are not allowed to aggregate and crystallise.
The fluid's paramagnetic properties allow for more dissolved material to be contained in it due to increased efficiency of the fluid's available space.
That the magnetic field amplifies the potential in water (electromotive force).
Due to the movement of the ordered molecules, the magnetic moments of the shifting electrical charges add up partially, creating an electromagnetic field whose influence on the passing fluid can be considerable. Depending on its velocity, periodic eddying currents inducing magnetic microfields (Tolmien-Szlichting wave packet) are generated at the walls.
Maintaining vortices during the laminar (non-turbulent) pass is known as the magnetic memory effect of a passing fluid. The active outcomes of water are overlooked in body function, the energy sequences of the body looked at on the 'atomic level', rather that they are manipulated by the reactive state of water-liquid crystal light.
Now we look at liquid chlorophyll and its distinguishing properties. The major difference between chlorophyll in plants and human beings is the iron bond in humans to the magnesium bond in plants. Liquid chlorophyll is the 2nd stage or dimension of lights movement through to organic form.
Chlorophyll shapes again define the 'star
pattern' with a core point, the 'vesica pisces' form and the
tube structures of a grid system.
The basic structure of a chlorophyll molecule is a porphyrin ring, co-ordinates to a central atom. This is very similar in structure to the heme group found in hemoglobin, except that in heme the central atom is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium. What are the established differences?
Magnesium, does not react with water and has 3 energy levels. It is obtained from 'sea' water, so would be diamagnetic. It has 12 neutrons and 12 protons/electrons. As it is a 12 stage, it shows its function is creational outcome, an end.
The Light Beings took us to look at Olivine again, the product used to source Serpentine, a power of the Mage. Here is magnesium iron silicate. The fayalite is iron rich and the forsterite is magnesium rich. These 2 minerals form a series where the iron and magnesium are substituted for each other without much effect on the crystal structure. Fayalite as iron rich has a higher index of refraction.
So we are shown that little change occurs on the crystal structure of the mineral whether it is magnesium or iron.
Chlorophyll is involved in the production of oxygen in plants, so then plays an important role in our body. It enables our cells to absorb sunlight.
Iron has 4 energy levels, one level more than magnesium and is a transition metal
30 neutrons, 26 protons/electrons. As with all metals, the transition elements are both ductile and malleable, and conduct electricity and heat. Their valence electrons, or the electrons they use to combine with other elements, are present in more than one shell. Iron, produces a magnetic field. As our spirit body is an electrical field combined with a magnetic field, we then view why iron is bonded to our form rather than magnesium. Iron as a transition metal then interacts with all the other combined elements in our body and as the electrical field needs conduction, the iron produces this field.
Chlorophyll is part of the kinetic function of our body which involves -Fluorescence, the phenomena of some compounds to absorb specific wavelengths of light and almost instantaneously emit longer wavelengths of light. Chlorophyll a naturally absorbs blue light and emits, or fluoresces, red light. Fluorometers detect chlorophyll a by transmitting an excitation beam of light in the blue range (440nm for extracted analysis and 460nm for in vivo analysis) and by detecting the light fluoresced by cells or chlorophyll in a sample at 685nm (red). Generally, this fluorescence is directly proportional to the concentration of the material in question.
Chlorophyll b undergoes a wavelength shift when acidified. This shows us that when our body is not PH balanced then the acidic inclination is to alter the light wavelength, again purporting a relevant fact in human illness, an acidic system.
Chlorophyll a is the principal photosynthetic pigment. It integrates cell types and ages, (2) it accounts to some extent for cell viability, and (3) it can be quantitatively coupled to important optical characteristics of water.
The different side groups in the 2 chlorophylls 'tune' the absorption spectrum to slightly different wavelengths, so that light that is not significantly absorbed by chlorophyll a, at, say, 460nm, will instead be captured by chlorophyll b, which absorbs strongly at that wavelength.
Thus these two kinds of chlorophyll complement each other in absorbing sunlight.
The primary source of energy for nearly all life is the Sun. The energy in sunlight is introduced into the biosphere by a process known as photosynthesis, which occurs in plants, algae and some types of bacteria.
Photosynthesis can be defined as the physico-chemical process by which photosynthetic organisms use light energy to drive the synthesis of organic compounds. The photosynthetic process depends on a set of complex protein molecules that are located in and around a highly organised membrane. Through a series of energy transducing reactions, the photosynthetic machinery transforms light energy into a stable form that can last for hundreds of millions of years.
It is essential for transforming light energy into chemical energy.
The biochemical conversion of CO2 to carbohydrate is a reduction reaction that involves the rearrangement of covalent bonds between carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Energy rich molecules that are produced by the light driven electron transfer reactions provide the energy for the reduction of carbon.
The photosynthetic membrane is surrounded by water and can be thought of as a two-dimensional surface that defines a closed space, with an inner and outer water phase. A molecule or ion must pass through the photosynthetic membrane to go from the inner space to the outer space. The protein complexes embedded in the photosynthetic membrane have a unique orientation with respect to the inner and outer phase. The asymmetrical arrangement of the protein complexes allows some of the energy released during electron transport to create an electrochemical gradient of protons across the photosynthetic membrane.
The different side groups in the 2 chlorophylls 'tune' the absorption spectrum to slightly different wavelengths, so that light that is not significantly absorbed by chlorophyll a, at, say, 460nm, will instead be captured by chlorophyll b, which absorbs strongly at that wavelength.
Chlorophyll is the molecule that traps this 'most elusive of all powers' - and is called a photo receptor
When the Light Beings explained that the liquid light in our bodies is liquid chlorophyll, that was bonded in the 3rd field dimension - organics to iron through the alpha emissions, then many relative body outcomes can be explained, defined on the wavelength emissions that alter in body chemistry through the chlorophyll.
We now looked to the Hebrew information and the closest point is - Grass
Dalet: ד The lowest and the poorest. The Door.
Shin: ש Birth, regeneration, and coming forthness.
Aleph: א The prime position, The letter of perfection. Our Father.
' Through the lowest of the kingdoms on earth is the doorway through which we may regenerate and come forth towards perfection of being.'
And if you follow the Chinese Oracle inscribed in bone fragments dating back to 2205 B.C. we get the image of two people kneeling at an altar, with arms upraised, petitioning the Heavens.
' coming forth toward perfection of being ' through 'grass'.
I then looked for any relevant Hebrew words involving Maf -million acre feet; this symbol the world as described in the Hebrew Scriptures.
22:22, 'The key of the house of
David I will lay on his shoulder; so he shall open, and no one shall shut;
and he shall shut and no one shall open.' Maf is abbreviated for magnesium and iron |
The Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis) edited by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers
The Key of Solomon is the most famous and important the source
of all, stands the Key of Solomon. of an ancient Hebrew manuscript of the
'Key of Solomon,' translated
The Mage texts define the key to the Messiah or source of all is the opener 'key'. We defined that the key point is White Light, the creator source on the cross over or 'cross' which is the spiral and sacred form of both the star and water. Understanding the function of Light is the Key to the Mage, it allowed them to become Creator.
When we understand the Key to Light, then our lives will alter.
Finally we will understand that 'we are Light', so to disseminate it, we ourselves are affected.
To flourish in harmony is to understand the tune.
We've given you the Key, so now it is time to unlock the door.
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