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It is with a great pleasure that I present my first venture in real life application of computing in the form of project work. I acknowledge my sincere gratitude to all those who helped me to make this project a success.
First of all I extend my sincere thanks to the faculty members of IT department who tuned my knowledge in field of IT. I thank them For their co-operation and guidance throughout the course.
I extend my sincere thanks to the principal Mr. Ajay bhamare
I am also thankful to Mrs. Swati Kemkar who showed
Faith in me and Guided me for the project. I also thanks to those
Who helped me directly or indirectly during my project.
TITLE: Printing Press Automation
This project provides necessary support and help for maintaining printing press information. It will maintain, updates information of each product present in the printing press. This software gives the facility of providing purchase bills and customer bills to the customers, maintaining the product list and inventory control as well as helps in maintaining supplier information. It also maintains the staff details.
The transaction management for printing press consists of handling the database and the day-to-day transactions for the customers and the suppliers. The question now put forward is that how is the transaction management of printing press and the world of computers related.
For handling customers transaction if there are insufficient products in the stock it becomes difficult to handle it manually, so using automated system it becomes easy to manage the whole transaction.
Our project on the transaction management of printing press gives a healthy and user friendly system to interact with the customers and suppliers.
Definition of problem:
Inventory and records management system was tedious and time consuming due to the following reasons:-
Complexity of data: -
The maintenance of records resulted into a heap of registers.
Inability to filter: -
Searching of a single record resulted into searching heaps of registers and lots of efforts and wastage of time.
Database and Data mining: -
No centralized database for information storage and retrieval.
No data mining tool to provide requirement of products.
Control: -
Maintaining registers sometimes leads to misplacement of records.
Difficulty in keeping track of out of stock and out of raw materials
and products.
Front End:
Visual Basic 6.0
Back End:
Microsoft Access
Why is this Topic chosen?
To introduce computerized system this will enable to eliminate the need of maintaining heaps of registers and files.
To reduce cumbersome, time-consuming process of managing records and billing process.
Searching, updating and retrieving of records will be accounted at ease, which initially was an irksome job.
Data redundancy and flaws in the maintenance of records and mishandling of records will be reduced.
Number of data entries and heaps of registers and files will be
Computerized receipts.
Objective of the Project
It should be easy to understand.
It should be convenient to handle.
Data should be easily accessible.
Data monitoring should be effective.
Different databases should be connected to each other.
Changes in one entry should bring changes in other
related table.
Scope of the Project
This project attempts to make the process of managing the job easy and dynamic task. The main objective of this project is to provide the printing press with Application which will reduce the amount of time, money and paper work involved in job management process. It will make it easier to maintain the customer and supplier information and also maintains the records of the products ordered by the customer and the records of the materials supplied by a supplier.
Our system takes full advantage of using the Database,
providing the company with a possibility to manage the printing press in a more efficient, secure and controlled way than ever before. The system upgrading will also be simple.
Theoretical background of the project
Whenever a person enquires about the stock detail, the information regarding the records is kept in the files. The person has to manually check the product availability. Before buying the product, details are taken and kept in a file. If a particular product is to be added, the details of the product along with the respective dates must be updated in the respective files.
So, in the current system all transactions are made manually and many files and registers are maintained and written work is more. Hence there is a need for an Automated System which reduces human efforts as well as automates the updating processes. In the above mentioned manner, the proposed system is flexible. We therefore need to see why Rajasa printers needs such software.
The main reason can be thought as the problem of having manual entry procedures
Such as:
Large time for processing.
Data redundancy and maintenance.
No data security.
No facility for easy retrieval of data
No data modification facility.
Difficulty in managing large data
Upgrades, dropouts, breaks
No priority to generate reports.
Thus our Automation System has tried to sort out many of the problems faced by the printing press.
System analysis and design
Phase I: - Defining a problem:-
Defining the problem is one of the most important activities of the project. The objective is to define precisely the problem to be solved & thereby determine the scope of the new system.
The task within this activity is to review the company's needs and their requirement that initiated the development of this project. A clear understanding of the problem helped us to build the required system successfully. The problem helped us to define the system, the requirements of the company and their needs.
Phase II: - Feasibility Study
Technical feasibility:-
Economic feasibility:-
While considering economic feasibility, it is checked in points like performance, information and outputs from the system. Microsoft Access is available in one package of the windows operating system and does require additional software cost for the client tools. Visual Basic 6.0 package is cheap and easily available.
Social feasibility:-
Operational feasibility:-
This phase is detailed appraisal of the existing system. This appraisal includes how the system works & what it does. It includes finding out in more detail- the problems with existing system. It is time consuming and costly in all aspect. The new system overcomes all the drawbacks of the existing system.
The result of the system analysis is the detail model of the system. This model describes the system functions, data and information flow within the system.
Since the existing system is manual system, the system analysis & its study includes the study of their transactions, how do they maintain records & what are their entity relationship of maintaining their records.
In order to develop a new system we need to study the existing system. The study of the existing system helped us to understand the problems the organization is facing and what are their requirements from the new system. The existing system is manual, its study involved the study of various transactions, interactions and maintenance of the system.
Description of the present System:
In the current system, the work done is totally manual. First of all the management has to manually keep all the information regarding the Supplier and Clients.
Whenever a Client enquires for products, the management has to manually check the quantity of goods available. This is performed frequently, which helps them to decide as to when an order should be placed. Before placing the order the supplier details are checked from the file.
So, in the current system all business transactions are made manually and many files and register are maintained and written work is more.
Time Consuming: - The present system is very time consuming. Whenever client enquires for a product the person has to manually go through various papers. Manual system can result in moving the jobs at a slower pace and hence affect the business transactions.
Difficulty in preserving data: - The data is maintained on papers and files leading to ample amount of waste of the stationary. After a few years the papers are in the torn condition or there may be chances of losing some of them. Also for adding, deleting, or editing the records, it requires lot of time, which is very precious. The maintenance of these papers and handmade records is a burden as well as data is not durable and reliable.
Expensive process: - This may require additional cost for buying files and registers.
Inconsistency and redundancy: - Since the data is redundantly stored the integrity of the system is questionable. Some records many lead to in-consistency.
Data Insecurity: - As there is no authentication of any sort, important data may fall in wrong hands. Any person can access confidential data.
Incapability of taking decisions: - When the client order is received, the manager has to manually check whether the order can be processed with the available raw materials. Thus it becomes a simply tedious and hectic job for the person.
Reports: - All reports are made manually after analyzing 2 to 3 files. This wastes time and increases the workload.
Human Errors: - While handling large numbers in calculation there may be chances of introduction of errors due to overload of work or carelessness which may cause trouble to both the client and the company.
Unit testing
Data and
& allocation
7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15
Detailed life cycle of project
Phased development process
A development process consists of various phases, each phase ending with a defined output. The main reason for having a phased process is that it breaks the problem of developing software into successfully performing a set of phases, each handling a different concern of software development.
Requirements Analysis:-
Requirements analysis is done in order to understand the problem the software system is to solve. The goal of the requirements activity is to document the requirements in a software requirements specification document.
There are two major activities in this phase: Problem Understanding or Analysis and Requirement Specification. In problem analysis, the aim is to understand the problem and its context, and the requirements of the new system that is to be developed.
Once the problem is analyzed and the essentials are understood, the requirements must be specified in the requirements specification document. The requirement document must specify all functional and performance requirements; the formats of inputs and outputs; and all design constraints that exist due to political, economic, environmental, and security reasons.
Software Design:-
The purpose of the design phase is to plan a solution of the problem specified by the requirements documents. This phase is the first step in moving from the problem domain to the solution domain.
The design activity often results in three separate outputs:-
Architecture Design:- it focuses on looking at a system as a combination of many different components, and how they interact with each other to produce the desired results.
High Level Design:- it identifies the module that should be built for developing the system and the specifications of these modules.
Design Level Design:- the internal logic of each of the modules is specified.
The goal of the coding phase is to translate the design of the system into code in a given programming language. For a given design, the aim in this phase is to implement the design in the best possible way
The coding phase affects both testing and maintenance profoundly. Well-written code can reduce the testing and maintenance effort. The testing and maintenance costs of software are much higher than coding cost. Hence during coding the focus should be developing programs that are easy to read and understand, and not simply on developing programs that are easy to write. Simplicity and clarity should be strived for during the coding phase.
Testing is the major quality control measure used during software development. Its basic function is to detect defects in the software. The goal of testing is to uncover requirement, design, and coding errors in the program.
The starting point of testing is unit testing, where the different modules or components are tested individually.
The modules are integrated into the system; integration testing is performed, which focuses on testing the interconnection between modules.
After the system is put together, system testing is performed. Here the system is tested against the system requirements to see if all the requirements are met and if the system performs as specified by the requirements.
Finally the acceptance testing is performed to demonstrate to the client, on real-life data of the client, the operation of the system.
Then for different test, a test case specification document is produced, which lists all the different test cases, together with the expected outputs.
The final output of the testing phase is the test report and the error report, or set of such reports. Each test report contains the set of test cases and the result of executing the code with these test cases.
The entity - relationship (ER) data model allows us to describe the data involved in a real world enterprise in terms of object and their relationships and is widely used to develop an initial database design.
The ER model is important primarily for its role in database design. It provides useful concepts that allow us to move from an informal description of what users want from their database to a more detailed and precise description that can be implemented in a DBMS. The ER model is used in a phase called "Conceptual Database Design". It should be noted that many variations of ER diagrams are in use and no widely accepted standards prevail.
ER modeling is something regarded as a complete approach to design a logical database schema. This is incorrect because the ER diagram is just an approximate description of data, constructed through a very subjective evaluation of the information collected during requirements analysis.
Stock Stock
Details Details
UserName and Password
Waterfall Model:
As waterfall flows from top to bottom, the system model shows the development process from the top to the bottom in steps. As water does not rise from lower level to a higher level, it is presumes that once a step in the model is over, it is not required to go back. This model fits well when the changes into the requirements.
Specification are not required frequently, the minor changes can be taken care of through a maintenance process or through small design changes. The waterfall model applies well to the basic date and information processing system in printing press, Inquiry and other criteria.
In project, our system will behave like a waterfall model. We have to set goal along with some options that in case of any error problems; we shall make some changes in coding. Our goal is to make Printing Press Automation which will help to maintain all the records and work in the Database. We collected the information from the institution, their expectations thus we got clear ideas on how work is to be done on their project.
Then came the analysis part, where we analyzed the various data and then information provided to us by the institute. Then we checked out various relations of data. Some data flow problems came so then we did what we could, some issues remained unsolved, but the agency accepted the package as whole. We then also created the database with tables. In each table we had primary keys, which also had been the foreign key for the other table.
Then we started designing the part of the project. After designing part we prepared flow chart given.
Waterfall Model:
Why Visual Basic?
As the world turns to graphical user interfaces, computer programming languages are changing to accommodate the shift. Visual Basic 6 is designed to allow the programmer to develop applications that run under Windows without the complexity generally associated with Windows programming. With very little effort, the programmer can design a screen that holds standard Windows elements such as command buttons, check boxes, option buttons, text boxes, and list boxes. Each of these Windows objects operates as expected, producing a "standard" Windows user interface.
Visual Basic is an event- driven programming language, which has many (but not all) elements of an object-oriented language such as Java. In the event-driven model, programs are no longer procedural; they do not follow sequential logic. We, as the programmer, do not take control and determine the sequence of execution. Instead, the user can press keys and click on various buttons and boxes in a window. Each user action can cause an event to occur, which triggers a Basic procedure that we have written.
Why MS Access?
Access is a database package generally used to design database applications.
We have used access as a background in our project due to the following reasons:-
It provides good graphical user interface
It provides large set of data types
It is a RDBMS
Creating relationships in access is very easy
It has good connectivity with Visual Basic
Any valid SQL query can be executed in MS Access
A collection of data and objects related to a particular topic or purpose is Microsoft Access. A Microsoft Access database may contain tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, modules, and shortcuts to data access pages. The Microsoft Jet database engine manages data in tables that reside in the database. Data in linked tables may reside in another Access database, in an external data source such as dBase or Microsoft Excel, or in an ODBC data source such as Microsoft SQL Server.
These features ensure the availability of the database round the clock as the database maintenance is possible online when the system is in use. RDBMS allows an online maintenance, rapid recovery and software based fault tolerance. The rapid recovery features allows the system administrator to provide 'Time' to go back for recovery of the data if the system fails due to power failure or network crash. Based on this time, system automatically goes back and collects all the changes and writes to the disk.
In its simple form, cost-benefit analysis is carried out using only financial costs and financial benefits. For example, a simple cost benefit ratio for a road scheme would measure the cost of building the road, and subtract this from the economic benefit of improving transport links. It would not measure either the cost of environmental damage or the benefit of quicker and easier travel to work.
A more sophisticated approach to building a cost benefit models is to try to put a financial value on intangible costs and benefits. This can be highly subjective. These are all questions that people have to answer, and answers that people have to defend.
The version of the cost benefit approach we explain here is necessarily simple where large sums of money are involved (for example, in financial market transactions), project evaluation can become an extremely complex and sophisticated art.
Tripling of mail shot capacity
Ability to sustain telesales campaigns
Improved efficiency and reliability of follow-up
Improved customer service and retention
Improved accuracy of customer information
More ability to manage sales effort
In function testing, the structure of the project is not considered. Test cases are solely decided on the basis of the requirements or specification of the program or module and internal of module or program is not considered for selection of the test cases due to its nature function test is called as "BLACK BOX TESTING".
The basic for deciding test cases in functional testing is a requirement or specifications of the system or module.
The intent of structural testing is not to exercise all the different inputs or outputs condition but to exercise the different programming structures and data structure use in program. Structural testing aims to achieve test case that will force to achieve coverage of testing structures.
Four different types of testing are:
The splash screen is the welcome screen. Whenever the project is opened for the first time the splash screen gets loaded to display the main form.
This is the login form which is used for authentication of user and if the user is authenticated it will display the main form. Otherwise, it will display the message "Invalid UserName or Password".
This is the main form i.e the MDI (Multiple Document Interface) FORM which consists of all the modules of the project. All the modules of the project are displayed as menus and command buttons which allow the user to navigate through different modules.
This form allows the user to change his/her Password. It first checks whether the UserName is available or not. If the UserName is available then it allows him/her to change the Password.
It displays some information about the Printing Press & it's working. This option is provided in the Help menu of Main Form.
This utility is provided in the Main Form. It creates the Backup of the Database in the location which is desired by the user.
This form allows a user to add a new customer information. The user can find a existing customer or can place an order for a customer by clicking on the Browse button available in the form.
This form is displayed when a user clicks on the browse button of the add customer form. It allows a user to find an existing customer or place an order for that customer.
This form allows a user to add a new supplier information. The user can find a existing supplier or can place an order for a supplier by clicking on the Browse button available in the form.
This form is displayed when a user clicks on the browse button of the add supplier form. It allows a user to find an existing supplier or place an order for that supplier.
This form allows a user to add a new staff information. The user can find an existing staff by clicking on the Browse button available in the form.
This form is displayed when a user clicks on the browse button of the add staff form. It allows a user to find an existing staff.
This form displays the product information to the user. This form also allows the user to add, remove, update a product detail.
This form is displayed when the user clicks on the add button of the stock details form. It allows the user to add a new product detail.
This form allows a user to place an order for a customer. This form is displayed when the user clicks on the orders button of the browse customer form.
This form allows a user to place an order for a supplier. This form is displayed when the user clicks on the purchase button of the browse supplier form.
This form displays the date wise report for sales, purchase, and staff information according to the desired date selected by the user.
Table Name: - tblUsers
Field Name |
Data Type |
Description |
Username |
Text |
User Name |
Password |
Text |
User Password |
Table Name:-Customer Information
Field Name |
Data Type |
Description |
CustomerCode |
Integer |
Customer Code |
LastName |
Text |
Customer Last Name |
FirstName |
Text |
Customer First Name |
Address |
Text |
Customer Address |
Contact |
Text |
Customer Contact |
Table Name:-Supplier Information
Field Name |
Data Type |
Description |
SupplierCode |
Integer |
Supplier Code |
LastName |
Text |
Supplier Last Name |
FirstName |
Text |
Supplier First Name |
Address |
Text |
Supplier Address |
Contact |
Text |
Supplier Contact |
Table Name:-Staff
Field Name |
Data Type |
Description |
Staffid |
Number |
Staff Id |
FirstName |
Text |
Staff First Name |
LastName |
Text |
Staff Last Name |
Address |
Text |
Staff Address |
JoiningDate |
Date/Time |
Staff Joining Date |
Salary |
Number |
Staff Salary |
Contact |
Text |
Staff Contact |
Table Name:-ProductDetails
Field Name |
Data Type |
Description |
ProductCode |
Text |
Product Code |
Description |
Text |
Product Description |
ProductType |
Text |
Product Type |
ProductName |
Text |
Product Name |
Price |
Number |
Unit Price |
StockCount |
Number |
Stock Of Product |
Table Name:-Orders
Field Name |
Data Type |
Description |
SalesOrdNo |
Number |
Sales Order Number |
TransDate |
Text |
Transaction Date |
Customer |
Text |
Customer Name |
ProductName |
Text |
Product Name |
Price |
Number |
Unit Price |
Quantity |
Number |
Quantity |
TotalAmount |
Number |
Total Amount |
Table Name:-PurchaseInformation
Field Name |
Data Type |
Description |
POrderCode |
Number |
Purchase Order Code |
Date |
Date/Time |
Transaction Date |
Supplier |
Text |
Supplier Name |
Address |
Text |
Supplier Address |
ProductName |
Text |
Product Name |
Quantity |
Text |
Quantity |
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