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Tourist destinations


OBIECTIVELE unitatii de invatare nr.

Principalele obiective ale unitatii de invatare Nr. sunt:

Characterising a tourist destination

Identifying various types of tourist destinations

Underlining the difference between a tourist destination and a

tourist attraction

tourist destination; geographical area; regional identity; multidimensional tourism product;

A tourist destination is a geographical area, containing a critical mass of development traveller objectives, which is dependent, to a significant extent, on the profits derived from tourism. In terms of the production of tourism, a tourist destination can be regarded as a particular point in space to which a consumer has moved and stopped, even though temporarily.

A tourist destination cannot be a whole country, nor can it be simply a tourist atraction. It may contain one or more tourist attractions and possibly some 'tourist traps.'


The region should have a set of cultural, physical and social factors, which create a sense of regional identity.

The region must have a complex and multidimensional tourism product, based on a variety of resources, services, and forms of ownership.

The region should contain an adequate tourism infrastructure to tourism development (utilities, roads, and other social services, necessary to cater to tourist needs).

The region should be larger than just one attraction.

The region should be capable of supporting a tourism planning agency and marketing innitiatives to guide and encourage future development.

The region should be accessible to a large population base.

The region should have a host community.

The region should have public authorities, an elected council, with responsibility for planning and management, and an active private sector

Test de autoevaluare 1.

State three characteristics of a tourist destination;

Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus.

coastal area; tourist town; business destination; countryside area;

A Coastal area is an expanse of coastline, which is specifically defined as one area (Costa Blanca or the Venetian Riviera), but which is not provided a more general description (South of France).

a) specific coastal resorts

b) islands, which are popular specifically for their coastlines

c) *groups of islands (the Canaries)

Tourist towns and cities include capital cities or other famous cities (Venice, Barcelona, Milan).

Business and Conference Destinations are towns and cities with facilities to cope with business tourists.

Countryside Areas are rural areas, not necessarily specific named resorts, which incorporate a number of features (mountains, lakes, forests, hills).

a)*Whole mountain areas (the Alps)

b) A specific countryside area within a mountain range

Heritage and Cultural Destinations are specific towns, cities, villages, and resorts, which are known for having maintained the history and heritage of the destination or the culture of the region/ country (capital cities like Paris, Vienna, or Rome, smaller destinations like Seville, or UNESCO cultural heritage sites Dubrovnik, or Warsaw)

Purpose Built Destinations are destinations developed specifically for tourists, which provide all the facilities needed in one place.

a)*Theme parks

b) Theme park resorts (Disneyland Paris)


Test de autoevaluare

State three types of  tourist destinations;

Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus.

tourist attraction; single unit; exhibited cultural value; historical significance;

A tourist attraction is a single unit, an individual site, or a clearly defined small-scale geographic area, which tourists visit, typically for its inherent or exhibited cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, and amusement opportunities.

The term tourist attraction is often insecurely used, whenever attractions are referred to, within the tourism industry. In fact, there are two major types of attractions, based upon the type of visit concerned:

a) Tourist attractions, which provide overnight accommodation

b) Day visitor attractions, which do not offer overnight accommodation

Examples of Tourist Attractions

historical places




museums and art galleries

botanical gardens

buildings (castles, libraries, former prisons, skyscrapers, bridges)

national parks and forests

theme parks and carnivals

theme park= an amusement park that is organized around some theme, usually providing attractions, meant to cater to children, teenagers, and adults. (An amusement park is more elaborate than a simple city park or playground)

carnival= a festival marked by amusement and processions

living history museums

ethnic enclave communities (Chinatown, Little Italy, Little India, Greektown)

ethnic enclave=an enclosed territory that is ethnically and culturally distinct from the foreign territory that surrounds it

historic steam trains

cultural events

supposed UFO crash sites(near Roswell, New Mexico)

supposed Loch Ness monster sightings in Scotland.

ghost sightings .

Test de autoevaluare 3.

Give three examples of  tourist attractions;

Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus.

In loc de rezumat

Am ajuns la sfarsitul unitatii de invatare nr.

Va recomand sa faceti o recapitulare a principalelor subiecte prezentate in aceasta unitate si sa revizuiti obiectivele precizate la inceput.

Este timpul pentru intocmirea Lucrarii de verificare nr. 2 pe care urmeaza sa o transmiteti tutorelui.

Lucrare de verificare unitate de invatare nr. 2

State the difference between a tourist attraction and a tourist destination;

Make up a sentences of your own in which to use the following words: historic steam trains; foreign territory; botanical garden; individual site;

Raspunsurile testelor de autoevaluare

Raspuns 1


Raspuns 3.

Bibliografie unitate de invatare nr. 2

Collins, V. R. - The Tourism Society's Dictionary for the Tourism Industry, Harper Collins, 2008

O'Keefe, M. / Dubicka, I. - English for International Tourism Pre-intermediate Level Coursebook, Longman, 2002

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