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Atestat LONDRA |
From Westminster it’s a manageable walk upriver to the Tate Gallery, repository of the nation’s largest collection of modern art as well as the main assemblage of British art . The grand streets and squares of Piccadilly, St James’s, Mayfair and Mary ... |
City - Londra |
City - Londra Centrul Istoric, City, ocupa 2,5 km patrati din vechea Londra . Este delimitat de zidurile romane, fiind o combinatie de strazi cu denumiri medievale, cladiri ultramoderne si nu mai putin de 38 de biserici, majoritatea vechile piet ... |
Londra |
The city was heavily bombed during World War II, particularly from September 1940 to July 1941 . About 10,000 persons were killed and 17,000 badly wounded . Among the celebrated buildings either damaged or destroyed were the Tower of London (north bas ... |
Londra in viziunea lui Charles Dickens |
Daca admitem ca literatura poate fi considerata o pictura realizata cu ajutorul cuvintelor, atunci putem afirma ca, de-a lungul istoriei sale, literatura a ''pictat'' moravuri , idealuri, personaje celebre, eroi, evenimente, locuri ... |
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