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The city was heavily bombed during World War II, particularly from September 1940 to July 1941. About 10,000 persons were killed and 17,000 badly wounded. Among the celebrated buildings either damaged or destroyed were the Tower of London (north bastion destroyed); the British Museum (30,000 volumes of 18th- and 19th-century newspapers destroyed); Houses of Parliament (library severely damaged, Commons chamber gutted, and Lords chamber in large part destroyed); Saint Paul 's Cathedral (damaged); Guildhall (partly gutted); and the Central Criminal Court, known as the Old Bailey (northeast corner demolished). In addition, Buckingham Palace, Lambeth Palace, and Saint James 's Palace were damaged. Many railway stations also were severely damaged

During World War I, London was the object of frequent raids by German airplanes and zeppelins. The city was heavily bombed during World War II, particularly from September 1940 to July 1941. About 10,000 persons were killed and 17,000 badly wounded. Among the celebrated buildings either damaged or destroyed were the Tower of London (north bastion destroyed); the British Museum (30,000 volumes of 18th- and 19th-century newspapers destroyed); Houses of Parliament (library severely damaged, Commons chamber gutted, and Lords chamber in large part destroyed); Saint Paul 's Cathedral (damaged); Guildhall (partly gutted); and the Central Criminal Court, known as the Old Bailey (northeast corner demolished). In addition, Buckingham Palace, Lambeth Palace, and Saint James 's Palace were damaged. Many railway stations also were severely damaged

Orasul Londra, capitala Marii Britanii, aflata in Anglia la capatul estuarului Tamisa la gura de iesire catre Marea Nordului. Londra este unul dintre cele mai importante centre financiare si culturale ale lumii si este recunoscut pentru muzeele sale, pentru creatiile de arta, pentru convertibilitatile monetare si pietele de marfuri si pentru asigurari si servicii bancare la fel de mult ca si o gazda a serviciilor specializate.

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