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Washinghton D.C |
Washington’s climate is hot and humid in the summer and cold and damp in the winter . The average daily temperature range is -3° C (27° F) to 8° C (46° F) in January and 22° C (72° F) to 31° C (88° F) in July . The city averages 98 cm (39 in) of preci ... |
What is Fashion |
Today an inability to refashion and reshape our bodies whilst constantly monitoring the cultural ideal leaves us failing the fashion test . Those that pass the fashion test invariably spend their lives absorbed in a circle of diet, exercise, cosmeti ... |
Who was King Arthur |
And even though the authors likely have exagerrated his deeds (killing 960 men single-handedly, for example), Arthur is likely to have been a bona fide war hero, a man who led his countrymen to victory time and again ... |
William Shakespeare |
At the turn of the 1580s, it is claimed, he served as tutor in the household of Alexander Houghton, a prominent Lancashire Catholic and friend of the Stratford schoolmaster John Cottom . While others in this network went on to suffer and die for thei ... |
William Shakespeare |
Shakespeare was born 23rd of April 1564, the same day as the day of his death, 52 years later - at Stratford on Avon, a small town in Warwickshire, in the heart of England . His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover, a wooddealer and perhaps a butch ... |
William Shakespeare - The tragedy of Julius Caesar |
The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare In 1598, Francis Meres described Shakespeare as “the most excellent in both sides - comedy and tragedy” . His comedies are unsurpassed for the marvellous harmony they establish among so many appare ... |
World War 1 |
Causes of the War . The underlying causes of World War I were the spirit of intense nationalism that permeated Europe throughout the 19th and into the 20th century, the political and economic rivalry among the nations, and the establishment and maint ... |
Writing competition-BC |
I wish I could sit at my desk and write nice words about my own country , using as tools just paper , tobacco , food and “a little whisky”, instead of faked dreams , but the result would only be similar to dropping a rose petal into the Grand Canyo ... |
Casablanca was the first of the conferences, in 1943 . Stalin, however, did not attend this meeting . It was at this meeting that the term unconditional surrender first came about . The leaders agreed that the Axis could only surrender in an uncondition ... |
Yellowstone |
By 1917, auto traffic into the park was increasing, and it was decided that some camps could be eliminated . Yellowstone Park Camping Company emerged and operated on the old site of the Shaw and Powell camp, the present day site of the Lodge ... |
Yetti |
A Waddell found human like footprints in the snow one morning . His Sherpa guides matter-of-factly told him they were the prints of a hairy wild man that was often seen in the area . Waddell wrote Among the Himalayans (1899) ... |
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