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5 . He may have been seriously ill if he neither came nor called . 6 . He was asked what he was going to do . 9 . 1 . It turned out that the loss of his job was a good thing . 2 . There has been growing interest in digital television over the last year ...
*Foreign language - languages spoken abroad, a language you can choose to study at school .  The British Council says "English is the main language of books, newspapers, airports and air-traffic control, interna ...
In fact, Scott deprecated the Norwegian’s reliance on dogs . Their use was somehow a less manly approach to the adventure and certainly not representative of the English tradition of “toughing it out” under extreme circumstances ...
1DEFINITION Sport doping,by legal definition, represents the use of substances (procedures)so as to modify artificially the capacities of a sportsmen ,or the products meant to hide the use of doping substances ...
It is also here that you can see the famous 15th century statue of St George and the dragon . The Riddarholm is situated on Riddarholmen and was built around the end of 13th century and was the burial place of Swedish monarchs and nobility between ...
More recently, though, the astronomer  HYPERLINK "http://britannia . com/wonder/hawkins . html" Gerald Hawkins has argued that Stonehenge is not merely aligned with solar and lunar astronomical events, but can be used to predict other events such as ...
These trilithons (an assemblage of two uprights capped by a lintel) are 6 . 5 m (21 ft) high . Within the trilithons stands a slab of micaceous sandstone known as the Altar Stone . The entire assemblage is surrounded by a circular ditch 104 m (340 ft) i ...
Swift’s incredible ingeniuty in adapting everything to the six-inch scale of Liliputians has ironically rendered this adult santire a nursery favourite . Swift calculates exactly how many Liliputian blankets have to be sewn together for Gulliver, and ...
" Again the girls assented . The words of command having been thus explained, he set up the halberds and battle-axes in order to begin the drill . Then, to the sound of drums, he gave the order "Right turn . " But the girls only burst out laughing ...
In my opinion is a very difficult to speak about this age, as every person thinks differently about this topic . I think that you, as a teacher, gave us this title "Sweet fourteen " for various reasons . When I saw this title I asked myself : "Why ...
The bridge was eclipsed as a symbol with the opening, in 1973, of the multishelled Sydney Opera House . Located at Bennelong Point, an arm of land jutting into Port Jackson, the Opera House is now one of the most famous pieces of modern architecture ...
Nr . Infinitiv Trecut Participiu Teaducere 1 to abide abode abode a locui ,a sta ,a persista 2 to arise arose arisen a se ridica 3 to awake awoke awoke a se trezi 4 to be was,were been a ...
In addition, today’s society offers a series of environmental stresses- divorce, single-parent homes blended even families, poverty, overtaxed school systems, negative peer pressure, as well as increased exposure to violence and illicit drugs- that ...
A tennis ball is hollow and composed of inflated rubber covered with a fabric made of wool and artificial fibers . It is between 2 1/2 and 2 5/8 in (6 . 35 and 6 . 67 cm) in diameter and weighs between 2 and 2 1/16 oz (57 ...
The Renaissance The Renaissance is usualy defined as the rebirth of painting and literature inspired by classical models,especially those of ancient Greece . The Renaissance lasted from the fifteenth to the ...
I . Types of adjectives: 1 . Adjective proper: good,blue,alive . Noun converted into an adjective because placed before another noun: (a five-) room (house), (a ten-) year (old boy) . Verb in the 3rd form,used as an adjective: ( ...
The first big gig for the Beatles was in Hamburg, Germany, which lasted about two years . Then, Brian Epstein, a record store manager, discovered them . At this time the members were not the ones who later became the most famous rock musicians in the ...
The British Isles consists of two islands: Great Britain and Ireland . Great Britain is formed of three formely separate countries: Scotland, England and Wales . Ireland consists of Northern Ireland (the northern part that belongs to the kingdom) and ...
In 865 the relative peace of England was shattered by a new invasion . Danish Vikings who had been raiding France and Germany formed a great army and turned their attention on the English . Within 10 years, most of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms had falle ...
When this is done, a tremendous amount of energy is released . The energy is both heat and light energy . This energy, when let out slowly, can be harnessed to generate electricity . When it is let out all at once, it makes a tremendous explosion in an ...

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