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Advanced Structured Query Language (SQL)/SQL*Plus
Oracle9i SQL*Plus
Author: DL
Last Updated: GS (02/11/10)
The define command allows you to create user variables in SQL.
The undefine command allows you to delete user variables.
Reminder: all SQL and SQL*Plus commands are case insensitive.
Try typing the following at the SQL> prompt.
DEFINE job_type = 'CLERK'
Essentially this define command creates a variable called job_type and assigns it the value 'CLERK' (a character string of type varchar2).
Define may also be used to display the values of a specific user variable.
To do this
Try (and observe)
SQL> def
SQL> def job_type
SQL> undefine job_type
SQL> def
DEFINE salary = '2000
DEFINE job_type = CLERK'
Note: even if you type DEFINE salary = 2000 SQL*Plus will assign to the variable salary a character string. Oracle is rather 'relaxed' (sloppy?) about implicit data conversions.
Enter the following at the SQL> prompt
(It is preferable to prepare a command file (script file) called, say, def1.sql and then use Start def1 or @def1
DEFINE sal_check = '1000'
DEFINE job_type = 'CLERK'
From emp
Where sal < TO_NUMBER(&sal_check)
And job = '&job_type'
It is always good practice to delete the definitions
if they are no longer needed. See below.
UNDEFINE sal_check
UNDEFINE job_type
And the output is :
old 3: Where sal < &sal_check
new 3: Where sal < 1000
old 4: And job = '&job_type'
new 4: And job = 'CLERK'
Press Return To Continue =>
--------- ---------- --------- ---------
7369 SMITH 800 CLERK
7900 JAMES 950 CLERK
Note that the display
old 3: Where sal < &sal_check
new 3: Where sal < 1000
old 4: And job = '&job_type'
new 4: And job = 'CLERK'
shows the how the substitution process works. N.B. The substitution of values for job_type and sal_check is carried out before the command is sent to the database engine.
N.B. You can disable the display of 'old' and 'new' values by using the command SET VERIFY OFF which is what you are now recommended to do. Note that set verify off is included in your login.sql file and will be the default.
Enter the following at the SQL> prompt (or of course prepare a command file called, say, def2.sql and use Start def2 or @def2
DEFINE remun = 12*sal + NVL(comm, 0)'
Select ename,
&remun 'Remuneration'
From emp
Order By &remun;
NB Here we have a more obvious simple text substitution for &renum.
And the output is :
ENAME JOB Remuneration
Simply type DEFINE variable_name at the SQL> prompt
Typing DEFINE on its own will display the values of all currently define variables.
Note that Oracle defines a few standard variables when it is loaded.
To delete the value of a variable simple type
at the SQL> prompt
Note that you can easily re-define a variable by using the DEFINE command again and the new definition simply overwrites the old definition.
Substitution variables are a simple extension of the variables discussed above. SQL*Plus allows you to place user variables in your script to indicate where you want the user to supply values at run-time.
substitution variables are identified by preceding the variable name with
either a single or double ampersand
(i.e. & or &&). For example
Select hiredate, job, ename
From emp
Where empno = &Employee_Number;
Note the ampersand &. The variable Employee_Number has not been previously defined and so SQL*Plus will prompt the user to provide a value as shown below
value for employee_number: 7788
A SQL script can have more than one substitution variable.
E.g. as before we can use
Select empno, ename, sal, job
Where sal < &sal_check
And job = '&job_type'
This time we shall be prompted for both sal_check and job_type.
Note the use of the
single quotation marks around job_type. This is needed as job_type needs to be a character string. The output and prompts will look like
Enter value for sal_check: 1200
Enter value for job_type: CLERK
Press Return To Continue =>
7369 SMITH 800 CLERK
7900 JAMES 950 CLERK
Note you could also use
Select empno,
ename, sal, job
From emp
Where sal < &sal_check
And job = &job_type
and then type in 'CLERK' at the job_type response.
For more flexibility try
SELECT empno, ename, sal, job
From emp
WHERE sal < &sal_check
AND job = UPPER('&job_type')
This will allow you to enter something like cleRk at the prompt and all will work as required.
For the ultimate in flexibility try
Select &cols
From &tabs
Where &conditions
Variations of this technique can be useful in accessing Oracle's Data Dictionary views and tables.
Using a double ampersand in front of a substitution variable tells SQL*Plus to define that variable for the duration of the session (e.g. until you log off SQL*Plus). This is very useful when you need to reference a variable several times in the same script/command file as you don't wish to prompt for its value each time.
Create and run the following command file
REM *** The old and new displays will NOT appear here
REM *** SQL*Plus only does this for queries
REM *** This command could be used to remind you
REM *** of the column definitions
Select &cols
N.B. Once the variable Tab_Name has been preceded by two ampersands subsequent references could use a single or double ampersand - both will use the previously defined value. Try running the above file 2 or 3 times in succession - you will only be prompted for cols after the first execution.
Create a command file called job1.sql containing the following text
Select empno, ename
From emp
Now execute the query using START (or @) followed by a parameter E.g.
SQL>start job1 CLERK
and CLERK is then substituted for &1. (Something like parameter passing in Java and VB.NET.)
N.B. Commands containing substitution variables such as &1, &2 etc. must be invoked by using START (or @).
Try Start job1 SALESMAN
Type in 12*sal + NVL(comm, 0) at the prompt that is generated by the query below and observe what happens.
Select deptno, &Remuneration What is this
From emp;
Write a query to display the number of employees in a department whose department number (deptno) is to be entered at run-time.
Write a query to display the salary, location and hiredate of all employees who were hired between two dates which are to entered at run time.
command allows you to enter a value to be stored in a variable at run time. This is a more powerful way of creating
substitution variables.
This variable can then be referenced in a SQL statement.
ACCEPT is often used in SQL command files.
The advantages of using ACCEPT (over substitution variables are:
with ACCEPT there is a limited form of type checking;
( N.B. NUMBER CHAR and DATE only .. see later for definitions)
you can arrange for more helpful prompts;
responses can be hidden.
The general syntax is of the form:
[FORMAT format_spec]
[DEFAULT default_value]
[PROMPT 'prompt text' | NOPROMPT]
(where the [ ] brackets imply optionality and [a | b] means a OR b)
The data types allowed are only the generic NUMBER, CHAR and DATE
Type in the following at the SQL> prompt
ACCEPT testsalary NUMBER PROMPT 'Enter Salary: '
Select *
From emp
Where sal > &testsalary;
Notes: testsalary is the name of the variable
NUMBER is its generic data type which will be checked at input.
SQL*Plus will prompt you with Enter Salary:
You can type in an appropriate number which will be then stored in the variable testsalary.
As before you can check which variables have been defined simply type define at the SQL> prompt or, specifically define testsalary
As before, to cancel this definition simply type undefine testsalary
ACCEPT testsalary NUMBER FORMAT 9999.99 PROMPT 'Enter Salary: '
Type in the following at the SQL> prompt
Accept testjob Char prompt 'Enter a job title: '
Note the use of single quotes around &testjob (it is a character string).
ACCEPT testjob Char Format A6 Prompt 'Enter job title > '
Type in the following at the SQL> prompt
This will not echo your input onto the screen. This is achieved by using the Hide option.
Unlike substitution variables bind variables are 'proper' variables, having both a data type and a size.
Bind variables provide a mechanism for returning data from a PL/SQL block back to SQL*Plus where it can be used for subsequent queries or passed into another PL/SQL block.
Declare Bind Variables in your SQL*Plus script/command file
variable x number
When used inside a PL/SQL block, use a to preface the variable name
Here follows perhaps the simplest PL/SQL block.
This does exactly what you think it does!
execute x := 7729;
/* ----------- Now use in a SQL query ------------ */
Select ename, hiredate
From emp
Where empno = :x;
--- Now use in the following PL/SQL bloc ----- ----- ---- */
Bind variables are 'lost' at the length of the SQL*Plus session.
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE is a PL/SQL built-in procedure which can be used to display items (strictly a string of characters/ text) on the screen. See PL/SQL notes.
General syntax
(i.e. variable can be abbreviated to var)
E.g. var x varchar2(10)
They must start with a letter and can be up to 30 characters long. The allowable characters include letters, digits, _ , £, $ .
Some of the 'Allowable Data Types'
NUMBER (but not NUMBER(a, b) or NUMBER(n))
Simply type VARIABLE or VARIABLE var_name at the SQL> prompt.
N.B. You cannot remove a variable once you've defined it without quitting the session, i.e. there is no equivalent of undefine
However you can replace it by simply using the variable command again: e.g. typing var x char(2) will replace any previous definition of x without warning.
This is not straightforward as they were designed to carry out different tasks.
REM *** This isn't a very useful example but illustrates the
REM *** many of the basic principles.
REM *** We define to substitution and two bind variables
ACCEPT sub_x CHAR FORMAT A10 PROMPT Enter a name >
DEFINE sub_y = 3000
REM *** Now give the bind variables the values of the
REM *** substitution variables
EXECUTE :bind_a := &sub_x
EXECUTE :bind_b := &sub_y
REM *** Now carry out a simple query using the bind
REM *** variables(see also SQL*Forms later)
Select ename, sal, hiredate
From emp
Where ename = :bind_a
Or sal = :bind_b
REM *** and to finish off do some PL/SQL
REM *** Ah well, to really finish off .. back to SQL*Plus
PRINT bind_a
PRINT bind_b
EXECUTE is a way of running a simple PL/SQL command. It provides the BEGIN END structure for you.
As the substitution variable is a string the reference to it must be contained in single quotes.
PRINT is a SQL*Plus command that can be used to display the values of bind variables.
(This next section contains some tricky material. You can omit it at the first reading)
Taking a value from a bind variable and placing it into a substitution variable is a more difficult task. The example below illustrates the technique. As you will see it is somewhat convoluted!
DEFINE sub_x = '' -- Define and Initialise the substitution variable
VARIABLE bind_y VARCHAR2(20) -- Define the bind variable
EXECUTE :bind_y := 'SMITH' -- Initialise the bind variable
COLUMN temp NEW_VALUE sub_x /* Arrange for the value of a column called temp to be assigned to sub_x */
SELECT :bind_y as temp FROM DUAL /* The Select statement will
return the value of :bind_y into the
alias temp and because of the
New_value option above this will
be stored in sub_x */
Select empno, ename From emp
Where ename = '&sub_x' /* And now to check to see if SMITH's
details are selected */
Prompt Hello &sub_x -- Just to confirm
Task |
Bind Variable |
Substitution Variable |
Comments |
Can be used in the PROMPT command |
Accept input from the user |
Place information into Page Headers and Footers using TTITLE and BTITLE |
Use in the Where clause of a query |
See examples in this section |
Pass values to a PL/SQL function or procedure |
Substitution variables can be used to pass values in as literals |
Return information back from a PL/SQL function or procedure |
This is done using the PRINT command which we have already met. A command such as
PRINT bind_variable
will display the value of the variable.
You can also use
PRINT :bind_variable
if you wish)
The bind variable is treated like a database column with the variable name being the default column heading. Thus you can use the Column (see Chapter 14) commands to tailor the output. E.g.
EXEC :x := 3445
which will produce the output
Fancy That
SQL statements will (usually) be entered in multi-line command and will usually be prepared using a full screen text editor such as Notepad++.
Blank lines are not allowed in SQL command files
SQL*Plus does not support blank lines within SQL statements, even though the Oracle server itself has no trouble with them. For example:
CREATE TABLE deptwill not be accepted.
A simple workaround is to use a comment facility such as 'double hyphen' --
CREATE TABLE deptSometimes just using the 'commas' judiciously can have the same effect of 'spacing'.
The same applies to simple SQL queries. The following will work but simply having a blank line after sal, will not,
Command Terminators
SQL statements can be terminated by:
a semi-colon (;), which is usually placed at the end of the final line of the statement;
a forward slash character (/) but this must be on a separate line on its own and must be the first character in that line;
a blank line - which simply causes the file to be stored in the SQL buffer ready for execution.
INSERT INTO Dept (deptno, dname, loc)or
INSERT INTO Dept (deptno, dname, loc)Although there is a PROMPT option within the ACCEPT command the PROMPT command can be used on its own to provide a user with useful additional guidance about what to enter.
The following example is indicative of the feedback that can be given to the user. The Prompt command used on its own is useful to provide a blank line to aid the overall layout.
Note that after ac ACCEPT command we can use either & or && and the same value will be used throughout the session.
As you will recall there are three ways that this can be done:
using REM[
using the double hyphen --
using /* . */
REMARK commands can only be used at the start of a line and cannot span more than one line without the use of the continuation character -
REMARK is a SQL*Plus command and cannot be used within a SQL 'query'.
The /* . */ delimiters are a
feature of many programming languages and they allow comments to span several
When you use this feature as follows (i.e. with the delimiters on separate
/* ----- ----- --------- ----- ----
Now for some comments.
This is an extended comment.
----- ----- --------- ----- ----- */
and these comments are outside a query then the comments are echoed to the
To suppress these comments you use the
SET DOC OFF command.
The double hyphen commands can be used anywhere in a script file but cannot span more than one line.
In each case (i.e. REM, /* , -- ) leave at least one space before typing your comments.
SQL*Plus does not check for substitution variables embedded in a comment EXCEPT when those comments are embedded within a query (or a PL/SQL block).
SQL*Plus does not check SQL commands. This is done by the database software.
SQL*Plus is a primitive but very effective reporting tool and it is always available to an Oracle programmer / consultant whereas the more sophisticated reporting tools that can be used for generating complex reports, with a full range of formatting and output capabilities, are not.
Generating a report, of course, needs a simple methodology. For example: (some of these are optional)
Formulate the query (or queries);
Format the columns;
Add Headers and Footers;
Add totals, subtotals, averages etc.;
Format the Page, add page breaks etc.;
Print/ display the output.
This section covers some of the features available in SQL*Plus. All the SQL*Plus commands are available at the SQL> prompt. Indeed you have already met some of the features of SQL*Plus. For example:
Start or @
c (to invoke the Line Editor)
You have also installed a LOGIN.SQL file which controls the SQL environment by using the SQL*Plus set commands (see later).
Recall that SQL*Plus commands are
case insensitive single line commands (but you can extend them over more than one line if you wish) and
do not have to end with a semi-colon (
In most cases the best way to use SQL*Plus commands is to include them in SQL*Plus command file.
Parameters that you set up using SQL*Plus commands stay in force until you log off from SQL or change them or clear them.
Prepare the following file using your usual text editor. Call it plus1.sql It provides some simple illustrations of the Column and Heading commands. (Note that the text following the Heading command is case sensitive.)
In this example the SQL*Plus commands have been typed in bold.
Remark *** S a l e s R e p o r t ** **
Column ename Heading Salespeople Format A11
Column sal Heading Salary Format 99,999
Column comm Heading Commission Format 99,990
Remark ** ** ** ** ** ** *****
Select ename, sal , comm
From emp
Where job = 'SALESMAN'
Clear Columns
Test the above SQL command file by using START plus1. It is essential that you get this to work. Once you are comfortable with what you think it is doing - experiment. More details of the Column, Heading and Format commands are given below.
These establish display options for a column. E.g.
Column Ename Format A11 Heading Salespeople
Format A11 refers to the data type of column Tax (A for alphanumeric in this case) and sets the width for display to 11 characters. See below for more details on the options available.
Heading 'Salespeople' effectively
replaces the default heading (which would be Ename) with Salespeople.
If you wish the heading to contain a space the place the heading text in single
quotes. E.g. 'Sales Staff'. In fact it is good practice to always include
The options that can follow Column, such as Format and Heading , can appear in any order.
To determine the current settings type column column_name (e.f. column ename) or column column_alias. To view all the options simply type column.
To clear a column setting simply type Column column_name Clear.
To reset all the columns to their default settings use Clear Columns.
Resetting all columns is good practice and you are encouraged to do so by including this command in your command files. See the example above.
To have a heading covering more
than one line use | as follows
Column sal Heading Monthly|Salary
11.6 The Format Options
An alphanumeric n characters wide
for numeric fields e.g. format 999999 for a field 6 digits wide
use to enforce leading zeroes e.g. format 0999 (or format 0 for one digit) to ensure that zeroes are printed rather than blanks when the value to be displayed evaluates to zero
use to insert a decimal point e.g. format 9999.99
use to insert a comma e.g. format 999,999
EEEE use to invoke scientific notation e.g. format 99.99EEEE
B use to display zero values as blanks e.g. format B999
11.6.1 Errors
If after execution a column displays ##### then it probably implies that the (formatting ) width is too small for the data.
A display of a % means the wrong data type has been used.
11.7 Some Options Available in the Column Command.
Some of the other COLUMN options are given below. Experiment
Wra[pped] |
If the contents of a column exceeds the specified width then the additional information will be wrapped round to the next line. |
Wor[d_Wrapped] |
Moves an entire word to the next line rather than split it over two lines. A word will not be split unless it is bigger than the column width. |
Jus[tify Right] |
Column headings are justified as specified. Defaults for headings are Left for Char/Date and Right for Number. You can also justify Left and Center (Note spelling) |
Null 'text' |
Sets any NULLS in the column to the specified string. Very useful in making the display of null values meaningful. |
Like source_column |
Causes the column to be defined with the same format as another column. |
Newline |
Causes SQL*Plus to wrap to a new line before the column is printed |
Clear |
Erases all formatting for the column named. |
Create the following text file and save it in your Scripts sub directory as PLUS2.SQL. N.B A .sql file can contain several independent SQL scripts. Each one must finish with a semi-colon or (and this is safer) have a / as the only character on the following line.
Set Linesize 100
Column Deptno Format 099 Heading Dept
Column Job Format A9 Heading ' Job' Justify Right
Rem ** The quotes ' ' are only needed for a Heading if Rem ** there are spaces in the text.
Column Sal Format L99,999.00
Column Empno Format 9999 Heading Empl|No.
Column Comm Format L99,990.99 -
Heading Y-T-D|Commission -
Null 'No Comm'
Rem ** Note use of the continuation character - (hyphen)
Rem ** in the Column specification given above
Rem ** There must be one space before the hyphen
/* Note the use of the Column Aliases Totinc.
If you use a column alias in the SQL query (see below) then this alias must be used in the Column output specification.
Column Totinc Format L999,999.99 -
Heading 'Total Income'
Select Deptno, -- Comment explaining Deptno
Sal * 12 + Nvl(Comm, 0) Totinc
From Emp
Clear Columns
Set Linesize 78
See overleaf.
Empl Y-T-D
Dept Job No. SAL Commission Total Income
010 PRESIDENT 7839 £5,000.00 No Comm £60,000.00
030 MANAGER 7698 £2,850.00 No Comm £34,200.00
010 MANAGER 7782 £2,450.00 No Comm £29,400.00
020 MANAGER 7566 £2,975.00 No Comm £35,700.00
020 ANALYST 7902 £3,000.00 No Comm £36,000.00
020 CLERK 7369 £800.00 No Comm £9,600.00
030 SALESMAN 7499 £1,600.00 £300.00 £19,500.00
030 SALESMAN 7521 £1,250.00 £500.00 £15,500.00
030 SALESMAN 7654 £1,250.00 £1,400.00 £16,400.00
020 ANALYST 7788 £3,000.00 No Comm £36,000.00
030 SALESMAN 7844 £1,500.00 £0.00 £18,000.00
020 CLERK 7876 £1,100.00 No Comm £13,200.00
030 CLERK 7900 £950.00 No Comm £11,400.00
010 CLERK 7934 £1,300.00 No Comm £15,600.00
1. The output in the Y-T-D/Commission column is a little ragged. A simple way to adjust this is to edit the corresponding Column format specification so that the text and the numbers line up. Amend PLUS2.SQL by changing the Comm specification to
Column Comm Format 99,990.99 -
Heading Y-T-D|Commission -
Null ' No Comm'
How many spaces do you need to add to the string in the Null option? Experiment. Note that you have to use quotes to ensure that the spaces are printed.
The use of the format mask L99,999.99 has increased the amount of space needed for the display. This annoying feature can be side-stepped by using
in the main query and removing the column formatting options.
TEST the above command file THOROUGHLY . then test it again, then again - and experiment!!
N.B. The SELECT clause can contain column names, column aliases, columns with a table prefix, expressions and literal strings.
These can determine the column name specified in the SQL*Plus COLUMN command. So, for example :
if you use sal, emp.sal or e.sal in the select command then use Column sal in the SQL*Plus command file.
if you use a column alias (e.g. select sal*12 annsal) then you must use this alias in the corresponding Column command in the SQL*Plus command file i.e. use Column annsal etc.
The use of the 'L' in L99,999.00 will invoke
the £ sign in the display (as shown above) as long as you have executed the
alter session set NLS_CURRENCY = '£';
Note, you have already done so if you have activated login.sql correctly.
If you use Empno||'-'||Ename in the select command then use
Column Empno||'-'||Ename in the Sql*Plus File.
Check on the effect of the SQL*Plus command CLEAR SCREEN (or clear screen - the command is case insensitive).
(Typing it at the SQL> prompt may give you a hint!)
They assign a value to a system variable (see below).
They can be used in a LOGIN.SQL file to make certain values the defaults for a session (check your own LOGIN.SQL file sometime
To determine the current default values use the Show command at the SQL> prompt (e.g. Show Pagesize, Show All
They can also be placed in your SQL*Plus command files. See examples given below.
Some of the more useful possibilities are given below. Use HELP to get a full list of options together with brief explanations. Feel free to experiment.
Set Echo Off |
This suppresses the display of commands as they are executed. Set Echo On will return you to the default mode |
Set Feedback n |
SQL*Plus will display the number records selected by a query when at least n are selected. Set Feedback Off cancels this option. Set Feedback On sets n to 1 |
Set Linesize n |
Sets the number of characters that will be displayed on a line before beginning a new line. The default is 80. There is sometimes a fair amount of 'trial and error' needed if you wish to get underlining and centering working in harmony. |
Set Newpage n |
Sets the number of blank lines to be printed between the bottom title of each page and the top title of the next page. See later for an explanation of Titles. If you use n = 0 then this acts as a 'form feed' and the subsequent output will be printed on a new page. |
Set Numwidth n |
Sets the default width for displaying number values. The default is 10. |
Set Pagesize n |
Sets the number of lines per page (a screen page or a printer page). For A4 paper try a NEWPAGE value of 6 and n = 57. The default is 24. A pagesize of between 20 and 24 is usually recommended for screen display. Your login.sql in fact sets n to 20. |
Set Pause 'text' |
Before each new page is printed SQL will prompt you with a message text. For this to work you also need to have to have issued the command Set Pause On. The use of Set Pause Off should be obvious(?) |
Set Termout Off|On |
Controls the display of output generated by
commands executed from a SQL command file. OFF suppresses the display so that you can spool output from a command
file without seeing the output on the screen. Set Set Termout OFF does not affect output from commands entered interactively. |
Set Verify Off|On |
Controls whether SQL*Plus lists the text of
a command before and after SQL*Plus replaces substitution variables with
values. Set |
Set Prompt Off|On |
This can be used to provide a screen display as a command file executes. Check how this is used in the login.sql file. ('Hit <RETURN> to continue . ') |
Use the supplied documentation 'SQLPlus - User Guide and Reference.pdf' to:
determine what the commands in the supplied login.sql file actually do;
investigate the semantics for the following options for the Set command options
Heading, Wrap, Numformat, Sqlprompt, Sqlprefix, Autocommit.
These are used to give titles to the reports; they are similar in one sense to the headers and footers you have in Word Processing files.
TTITLE 'Weekly Report'
BTITLE 'Summary - over the page'
Using the above format then, by default, the Ttitle command:
displays the current date in the top left hand corner of each page;
displays the page number in the top right hand corner of each page;
centres the text (e.g. 'Weekly Report') on the next line down.
Note: if you tailor the TTITLE command in any way then you do not get any automatic page number, date and centring. But see below .
The BTITLE command prints the text centred at the bottom of each page.
For both commands the '|' character can be used to split text over more than one line. Examples will follow.
Typing TTITLE or BTITLE at the SQL> prompt simply displays their current values.
Make the following additions to your plus2.sql file and then test it.
REM ***** To test the TITLE commands ****
Ttitle 'Company Report|Produced By The Personnel Department'
Ttitle off
Btitle off
Clear columns
Rem *** Title and Column definitions now reset ****
The TTITLE and BTITLE commands can include a number of clauses enabling the appearance of the title to be specified in more detail
(Note : items in [ ] brackets are optional entries whilst items separated by a | are alternatives)
Some of the clauses that could appear in printspec are :-
CENTER are used to align the text (Note spelling of CENTER)
SKIP n skips to the start of a new line n times. If n is omitted then it is assumed to be 0.
FORMAT CHAR specifies the format model of the data items that are to follow it. It is similar to the Format command used with Column
Some of the standard variables that can be used are:
SQL.PNO used to generate current page number;
SQL.USER used to generate current user name.
Try out the following. Save as plus3.sql
RIGHT 'Produced by : Accounting 'SKIP 2 -
RIGHT '----- ----- ----------------' SKIP 2
REMARK Note use of the continuation character -
BTITLE CENTER 'End of Report' SKIP -
CENTER '----- ----- -----'
Select Ename, Job, Sal, Comm
From Emp
Where Comm is not null;
REM Note use of Ttitle Off and Btitle Off: this is good practice.
Construct and test the select statements using your usual editor. Save and Test.
Add your formatting commands (Column, Heading, Ttitle etc.)
Add totals, subtotals etc. (see later)
Add comments/remarks to help in documentation/maintenance. Note the use of REMARK, /* ..*/ and -- .
Add any page formatting commands you need
Add the Clear commands (see later for more examples).
There is no definitive style for the layout of SQL and SQL*Plus commands. But, whatever style you choose be consistent
The use of the TAB key will often enhance the layout.
Some authors prefer to use lower case for all commands whilst others use a mix of lower case, upper case and initial capital letters.
When you decide on a strategy then you may wish to distinguish between commands (e.g. SELECT), functions (e.g. To_char), tables (e.g. Emp) and column names (e.g. ename).
SELECT Initcap(ename) A,
sal*12 + Nvl(Comm,0) B,
To_char(hiredate,'MM,YY') C,
mgr D
ORDER BY ename;
This style is NOT obligatory and will not be enforced in these notes either.
Create and test the following. Call it plus4.sql. Check and print out the output.
Set echo off
Remark *** Set up the SQL*Plus environment ***
Set Pagesize 24
Set Feedback Off
Remark *** Format the Columns ***
Column a Format A10 Heading Department
Column b Format A9 Heading Job
Column c Format 9999 Heading Emp|No.
Column d Format A8 Heading Name
Column e Format A5 Heading Hire|Date
Column f Format B99,999.99 Heading Monthly|Salary
Column g Format 99,990.99 Heading Annual|Comm
Column h Format 999,999.99 Heading Total
Remark *** Setting up Titles ***
Ttitle 'E M P L O Y E E R E P O R T'
Btitle 'Confidential'
Remark *** The Query ***
SELECT dname a, -- select the department name
job b, -- and the job
empno c, -- etc. etc. Don't over do this!!
ename d,
To_char(hiredate, 'MM/YY') e,
sal f,
comm g,
sal * 12 + Nvl(comm, 0) h -- use Nvl because..
FROM Emp p, Dept d
WHERE p.deptno = d.deptno -- comments
ORDER BY dname, job
Remark *** Reset the environment ***
Clear columns
Ttitle Off
Btitle Off
Set Feedback on
Set Pagesize 20
Set Echo on
The output is given on the next page.
Tue Sep 30 page 1
Emp Hire Monthly Annual
Department Job No. Name Date Salary Comm Total
ACCOUNTING CLERK 7934 MILLER 01/82 1,300.00 15,600.00
ACCOUNTING PRESIDENT 7839 KING 11/81 5,000.00 60,000.00
RESEARCH ANALYST 7902 FORD 12/81 3,000.00 36,000.00
RESEARCH ANALYST 7788 SCOTT 12/82 3,000.00 36,000.00
RESEARCH CLERK 7369 SMITH 12/80 800.00 9,600.00
RESEARCH MANAGER 7566 JONES 04/81 2,975.00 35,700.00
SALES CLERK 7900 JAMES 12/81 950.00 11,400.00
SALES MANAGER 7698 BLAKE 05/81 2,850.00 34,200.00
SALES SALESMAN 7499 ALLEN 02/81 1,600.00 300.00 19,500.00
SALES SALESMAN 7521 WARD 02/81 1,250.00 500.00 15,500.00
SALES SALESMAN 7844 TURNER 09/81 1,500.00 0.00 18,000.00
SALES SALESMAN 7654 MARTIN 09/81 1,250.00 1,400.00 16,400.00
The rows of a report may be broken up into sections by using the BREAK command. This command can also (by default) suppress the display of duplicate values in the column used in the Break command.
N.B. You must have deptno as one of the
selected columns for the 'breaking' effect to work. If you don't wish to see deptno
displayed when the command is executed then add the command Column deptno noprint before the query. Also add, say, Skip 1 at the end of the
Break command - else you will not see any effect if you do not display
Try this and observe. Save as plus5.sql
Break On deptno
SELECT deptno, job, empno, sal
ORDER BY deptno
The output is of the form . (see next page)
10 PRESIDENT 7839 5000
MANAGER 7782 2450
CLERK 7934 1300
20 MANAGER 7566 2975
CLERK 7369 800
ANALYST 7902 3000
ANALYST 7788 3000
CLERK 7876 1100
30 MANAGER 7698 2850
SALESMAN 7499 1600
SALESMAN 7521 1250
CLERK 7900 950
SALESMAN 7844 1500
SALESMAN 7654 1250
14 rows selected.
Since a break will
occur each time the column value changes you must use the
Order By clause otherwise the report
will be split into meaningless sections.
N.B. There can only be ONE Break command active at any one time.
Thus if you require multiple breaks then they all have to be specified in the same Break command.
You should always list the break columns in order of importance, i.e. major breaks first.
Amend plus5.sql as shown below and note the output
Select deptno, job, empno, sal
From Emp
Order By deptno, job, sal
N.B. Note the sequencing of the columns in the Break command and the Order by clause must match.
The general syntax of the Break command allows for an action to be specified after each On column_name option. The actions could be one of:
Skip Page effectively issues a form-feed when the value in a column changes
Skip n skips n lines when a value changes
Duplicate duplicates values - the default is Noduplicate
Try the following amendments to plus5.sql
Break On deptno skip page -
On job skip 1 -
On sal skip 1
Select deptno, job, empno, sal
Order By deptno, job, sal
The output from this command file is given below. Check and note what is happening. It may not be that obvious. Try it again without the skip commands.
-------- --------- --------- ---------
10 CLERK 7934 1300
MANAGER 7782 2450
PRESIDENT 7839 5000
-------- --------- --------- ---------
20 ANALYST 7788 3000
CLERK 7369 800
7876 1100
MANAGER 7566 2975
-------- --------- --------- ---------
30 CLERK 7900 950
MANAGER 7698 2850
SALESMAN 7521 1250
7844 1500
7499 1600
14 rows selected.
To remove breaks use the Clear Breaks command.
To display the current Break settings use the Break command
If column aliases have been used in the Select clause then the Break command MUST use these aliases.
Break On d On j On sal
Select deptno d, job j, empno, sal
From Emp
Order By deptno, job, sal;
Clear Breaks
NB: if you use table aliases in your query then any associated column command must also use that alias.
e.g. column e.deptno heading, Etc.
Select e.deptno,
From Emp e, Dept d ,
BUT any associated Break command must only use deptno rather than e.deptno.
e.g. column e.deptno format
Break On deptno
Select e.deptno, .
From Emp e, Dept d , .
Hint: play safe and use column aliases in the Select clause and use these aliases for all associated Column and Break commands - then the 'confusion' is removed!
The Compute command instructs SQL*Plus to perform calculations. These are summary calculations (sums, averages etc.) and are controlled by the Break command.
The general structure of the Compute command is (note her that | means 'or')
Compute clauses Of Columns|Expressions
On Break_columns|Report|Row
The clauses that can be used include
Clause |
Computes |
Applies to Data Types |
Average value of non null values |
Number |
Count of non null values |
all |
Maximum Value |
Number, Char, Varchar2 |
Minimum Value |
Number, Char, Varchar2 |
Count of rows |
all |
Standard Deviation |
Number |
Sum of non-null values |
Number |
Unlike the Break command which only appears once per command file there may be many Compute commands although it is often easier to specify all the computes required in one command. E.g.
Compute Sum Avg Of Sal Comm On deptno Report
(i.e. you are 'summarising Sal and Comm based on groups identified by different values of deptno (and on the complete report)).
This will find the sum and average of the values stored in the Sal and Comm columns printing them out for each department (as long as there was a Break on Deptno active) and for the 'complete selection' (as long as there is a Break On Report active).
[Aside: What would happen if we replace Comm in the above command with Nvl(Comm, 0)? Try it.]
To clear Compute settings simply type Clear Computes
To display current settings type Compute
As an example, consider the following SQL*Plus command file.
set pagesize 30
column sal format L99,999
break on deptno skip 1 on report
compute sum of sal on deptno
Select deptno, job, empno, sal
From emp
clear columns
clear computes
clear breaks
which has the output given overleaf. Note the use of the 'L' as a formatting character and then check your login.sql file to check why this has worked.
Output overleaf
10 PRESIDENT 7839 £5,000
MANAGER 7782 £2,450
CLERK 7934 £1,300
----- ----- -------
sum £8,750
20 MANAGER 7566 £2,975
CLERK 7369 £800
ANALYST 7902 £3,000
ANALYST 7788 £3,000
CLERK 7876 £1,100
----- ----- -------
sum £10,875
30 MANAGER 7698 £2,850
SALESMAN 7499 £1,600
SALESMAN 7521 £1,250
CLERK 7900 £950
SALESMAN 7844 £1,500
SALESMAN 7654 £1,250
----- ----- -------
sum £9,400
14 rows selected.
Enter the above command and experiment. What if we chose not to display the deptno column? Find out!
Amend plus2.sql to read as follows and save it as plus6.sql.
Set Echo Off
Set Pagesize 24
Set Feedback Off
Column Deptno Format 099 Heading ' Dept'
/* Why the spaces in front of Dept ?
See Label commands below */
Column Job Format A9 Heading ' Job' Justify Right
Column Empno Format 9999 Heading Emp|No.
Column Sal Format 99,999.99 Heading Monthly|Salary
Column Comm Format 99,990.99 Heading Y-T-D|Commission Null ' No Comm'
Column Totinc Format 999,999.99 Heading 'Total Income'
Ttitle 'COMPANY REPORT|Produced by Personnel Dept'
Btitle 'Company Confidential'
Break On Deptno Skip 1 On Job On Report
And now for a variation on a theme - the LABEL option
Compute Sum Label 'Dept Total: ' Of Sal On Deptno
Compute Avg Label 'Dept Average: ' Of Sal On Deptno
Compute Sum Label 'Overall Tot: ' Of Sal On Report
Compute Avg Label 'Overall Avg: ' Of Sal On Report
Define CommN = 'Nvl(Comm, 0)'
SELECT deptno,
sal*12 + &CommN Totinc
ORDER BY Deptno, Job
Clear Columns
Clear Breaks
Ttitle Off
Btitle Off
Set Pagesize 20
Set Feedback On
Set Echo On
Reminder: If column aliases have been used in the Select clause then the Column, Break and Compute commands must also use these aliases.
(i) Amend PLUS4.SQL to produce the following output. Save as Plus4a.sql
(ii) Adjust your solution to cope with the display of a £ sign in the appropriate places
(iii) Now amend your solution to only display the details corresponding to a particular department. The department number is to be entered at run time by using the Accept command.
Suppose we wish to create a report that displays a manager's numbers at the top of a page and have the employees reporting to that manager on the same page - and that is repeated for each manager (i.e. someone who has staff reporting to them).
This is an example of what is termed a Master Detail report.
Another example would be to have a department name at the head of each page followed by a list of employees, and their details, which work for that department.
Surprisingly there is no elegant way of achieving this in SQL*Plus, however it can be done using user variables and the NEW_VALUE option of the column command.
The usual format is
Column_name must be a legal column name of one of the tables involved in the subsequent query and user_variable has the same properties as if it was created using define, accept or & except that it is not referenced by invoking &user_variable and all we need to do is use user_variable
In this case we could use:
The Noprint option suppresses the printing of the Mgr column in any Select statement. This doesn't matter as we are contriving to have the manager's number printed in the page title.
However, in this case the value of u_Mgr is updated every time the query retrieves a new row of data from the database.
Enter the following and observe. Save it as nv1.sql.
Column Mgr New_Value u_Mgr Noprint
Ttitle Left 'Manager: ' u_Mgr Skip 2
Break On Mgr Skip Page
Select Mgr, Ename, Sal, Deptno
From Emp
Where Mgr In (7698, 7839)
Order By Mgr
The output should look something like this
Manager : 7698
ALLEN 1600 30
WARD 1250 30
TURNER 1500 30
MARTIN 1250 30
JAMES 950 30
Press Return To Continue =>
Manager : 7839
JONES 2975 20
BLAKE 2850 30
8 rows selected.
Note that the Mgr column has not been displayed.
Of course we can improve the layout using further features of Ttitle and Btitle
Construct a command file that will display the name of the department at the head of each page followed by the name, salary and hiredate for each employee in each department.
Mimic the following layout as closely as possible.
Department Summary Report
----- ----- ---------------
---------- --------- ---------
KING 5000
End Of Report
Press Return To Continue =>
Department Summary Report
----- ----- ---------------
---------- --------- ---------
SMITH 800 17-DEC-80
FORD 3000 03-DEC-81
SCOTT 3000 09-DEC-82
JONES 2975 02-APR-81
End Of Report
Press Return To Continue =>
Department Summary Report
----- ----- ---------------
---------- --------- ---------
ALLEN 1600
BLAKE 2850
JAMES 950 03-DEC-81
WARD 1250
End Of Report
14 rows selected.
It is very common practice to put the date in the header of a report. It is so obvious and so common it is quite surprising that it isn't simpler to do!
Again we have to rely on new_value
Create the following command file, calling in date1.sql and experiment. Suggested improvements will follow.
Printdate is the variable storing the value of Sysdate
Column Sysdate New_Value Printdate
And now we update Sysdate by 'fetching' it ..
Select Sysdate From Dual
Ttitle Left ' ~~~ HERE IS A REPORT ~~~ ' -
Right 'Date: ' Printdate Skip 2
Select Ename,
From Emp
Where Deptno = 30
Ttitle Off
Clear Columns
Select Sysdate from dual
Can we suppress this? Read on!
Can we output the date in a different format? Of course. Amend date1.sql as suggested below and save it as date2.sql.
(see overleaf)
Set Echo Off -- Why?
Set Linesize 50 -- Why?
Set Termout Off -- Why?
Set Pause Off -- Why?
/* Today is an alias used in the Select clause of the
query used to, effectively retrieve sysdate.
Column Today New_Value Printdate
REM *** continued . .
Select To_Char(Sysdate, 'fmMonth DD, YYYY') Today
From Dual
Set Pause On
Set Termout On
Ttitle Left 'Date: ' Printdate -
Right Format 09 'Page:' sql.pno Skip 2 -
Center 'A report with reformatted date' Skip 1 -
Center '----- ----- --------- ----- ------' Skip 2
Select Ename,
From Emp
Where Deptno = 30
Ttitle Off
Clear Columns
Set Echo On
And the output will look something like
A report with reformatted date
----- ----- --------- ----- ------
Enter the command file given below and observe. What is happening?
Parameter Passing form one query to another? How else would you achieve the same effect without using new_value
Set Echo Off
Set Verify Off -- Why?
Set Pause Off
Column j Format A11 Heading 'Job With|Max Avg Sal'
Set Termout Off
Select max(avg(sal)) max_avg_sal
From emp
Where job != 'PRESIDENT'
Set Termout On
from emp
group by job
having avg(sal) = &max
Clear Columns
Set Verify On
Set Pause On
Set Echo On
and the output looks like
Job With
Max Avg Sal
Rem *** Set up the environment ***
Set .
Remark *** The query or queries ***
Remark *** Re-set the environment ***
Clear Computes
Clear Breaks
BTitle Off
Ttitle Off
Clear Columns
Remark *** and undo the Set commands ***
Most SQL*Plus commands, unlike SQL commands, can be abbreviated. We have deliberately not used any abbreviations in the above notes. In any case the abbreviations do not always aid clarity.
Some examples are given below.
Command |
Abbreviation |
Break |
Bre |
Column |
Compute |
Comp |
Format |
For |
Heading |
Hea |
Ttitle |
Tti |
(A brief re-visit)
You can bypass the prompts for values associated with substitution variables by passing values to parameters in a command file.
Example 1
Create the following command file. Call it param.sql
Select *
From Emp
Where Job = '&1'
And Sal = &2
Now run it by typing
Start param CLERK 800
at the SQL> prompt.
CLERK (note the capitals) and 800 are the parameters that will be substituted for &1 and &2 respectively.
Of course you should also use the commands Prompt and Accept to communicate with the user. See previous notes.
Example 2
Set up the following command file, call it p1.sql and test it.
N.B. Note also how the variable used in the Accept command can also be used in the Ttitle command. It can be used without the preceding &.
Prompt Enter a Title of up to 30 characters
Ttitle Center &Mytitle Skip 2
Select * From dept;
Find out about the commands REPHEADER and amend one of the reports you have already written to include the use of these commands.
SQL*Plus has no IF statement which can be rather annoying for a scripting language. There are some approaches to overcome this oversight (or, of course, use PL/SQL).
Example 1
Create a command file called update_sal.sql containing the following text.
ACCEPT s_update_confirm CHAR
PROMPT 'Do you wish to update (Y/N)? > '
Set sal = sal + 100
Where Upper('&s_update_confirm') = 'Y';
It provides a primitive but reasonably effective 'do this if . ' option
Example 2
We can improve matters a shade. Amend update_sal.sql as follows.
ACCEPT s_update_confirm CHAR PROMPT 'Do you wish to update (Y/N)? > '
Select 'Please Type in Y or N'
From Dual
Where Upper('&s_update_confirm') Not In ('Y', 'N')
Or '&s_update_confirm' Is Null
Set sal = sal + 100
Where Upper('&s_update_confirm') = 'Y'
If you run this with incorrect input you will see something like
Do you wish to update (Y/N)? > b
Please Type in Y or N
0 rows updated.
Example 1
Use the following text to create a file called (say) br1.sql.
Then invoke @br1 (or start br1) at the SQL prompt.
This only works properly if you have already prepared the files report1.sql, report2.sql and report3.sql
To test set report1.sql to contain
Select * from emp;
Set report2.sql to contain
Select * from dept;
Set report3.sql to contain
Select * from salgrade;
PROMPT 1 - Report One
PROMPT 2 - Report Two
PROMPT 2 - Report Three
ACCEPT choice char Prompt 'Enter your choice (1,2,3) > '
Example 2
Use the following text to create a file called (say) br2.sql.
Then invoke @br2 (or start br2) at the SQL prompt.
DEFINE padding = ''
PROMPT &padding 2 - Report Two
PROMPT &padding 3 - Report Three
ACCEPT choice CHAR Prompt ' Enter your choice (1,2,3) > '
COLUMN entered_value NEW_VALUE Run_this
Select Decode('&choice',
'1', 'Report1.sql',
'2', 'Report2.sql',
'3', 'Report3.sql',
'Error.sql') entered_value
From Dual
Looping is not really supported in SQL*Plus so the advice is to use PL/SQL , except in the special case when you want user interaction.
Create a file called finished.sql containing only the line
Now create the following file and call it loopdemo.sql
Note that &1 in the first select clause will prompt you for the name of a table.
You could pass it a value by using a call such as
@loopdemo EMP
Select * from &1 -- input parameter
ACCEPT x CHAR PROMPT 'Next Table? >'
select decode('&x','','finished.sql',
'loopdemo.sql '||'&x') alias
from dual
the space here
/* and now run the command file 'chosen' by the decode command */
SQL*Plus has a vast array of additional facilities. You are encouraged to tio use the SQL*Plus Reference file or countless websites.
E.g. what does the following achieve?
Decode and Case are powerful SQL functions that allow a measure of conditional processing to be carried out very
much like the traditional
if . then . else facilities in a high
level programming language
12.1 Decode
DECODE ( column or expression,
search1, result1,
search2, result2,
etc. etc.,
The column (or expression) is compared to each search value in turn and returns the corresponding result if there is a match
If no match is found, the DECODE function returns the default value.
If the default value is omitted then NULL is returned for unmatched values (never do this!)
search must be of the same data type as column or expression
and all the result options must be of the same data type (but not necessarily of the same data type as search
Work through all of these carefully.
Column A search value Result
each one in turn and satisfy yourselves that the output is what you would
Select ename, job, sal Old_salary,
Decode(job, 'ANALYST', sal*1.1,
'CLERK', sal*1.2,
'MANAGER', sal*0.8,
sal) New_salary
From emp;
Default value
FORD ANALYST 3000 3300
JAMES CLERK 950 1140
MILLER CLERK 1300 1560
Select ename, job,
Decode(job, 'CLERK', 'Underpaid',
'MANAGER', 'Overpaid',
'SALESMAN', 'Havvaniceday',
'PRESIDENT', 'Who is she?',
'No comment') Comment_Col -- this is the column alias
From emp;
WARD SALESMAN Havvaniceday
Column BONUS Format A5
Select grade,
Decode(grade, '1','15%',
'5%') BONUS
From salgrade;
1 15%
2 10%
3 8%
4 5%
5 5%
Select ename, sal, deptno
From emp
Order By Decode(&orderby, 1, sal, 2, deptno, empno);
OUTPUT (when 2 is entered
KING 5000 10
MILLER 1300 10
JONES 2975 20
SMITH 800 20
FORD 3000 20
SCOTT 3000 20
BLAKE 2850 30
ALLEN 1600 30
WARD 1250 30
JAMES 950 30
TURNER 1500 30
MARTIN 1250 30
Note that this
works here as all the attributes are numeric types.
Select deptno,
Sum(Decode(job, 'CLERK', 1, 0)) 'No. Of Clerks'
From emp
Group By deptno
Having Sum(Decode(job, 'CLERK', 1, 0)) < 2;
DEPTNO No. Of Clerks
10 1
30 1
It may not be obvious what is happening here at the first reading.
Try the following query first
Select deptno, job, Decode(job, 'CLERK', 1, 0)
From emp;
20 CLERK 1
20 CLERK 1
30 CLERK 1
10 CLERK 1
Now try, after removing job:
Select deptno,
Sum(Decode(job, 'CLERK', 1, 0))
From emp
Group By deptno;
10 1
20 2
30 1
This query returns the number of clerks (job = 'CLERK') in each department.
Now return to the original query.
Of course, in this case we could have performed the same task by simply using
select deptno, count(empno)
from emp
where job = 'CLERK'
group by deptno
having count(empno) <2
But the use of decode provides us with more options - see later.
/* Selective updates */
set auto off
update emp
set sal = sal * decode(job, 'PRESIDENT', 1.4,
'MANAGER', 1.2,
'CLERK', 1.1,
Select * From emp
Set auto on
Note that the function sign(value) returns +1 if value is positive or -1 if value is negative.
So, what does this do?
Come up with another way of doing this without using decode or sign */
Select sum(decode (sign (sal - nvl(comm,0)),1,1,0))
From emp
This is a more recent addition to Oracle and some argue, easier to understand. There is no longer any reason to use decode except that a significant number of earlier applications will have been written using decode and so application developers still need to be aware of its syntax and semantics.
There are two options for case namely searched and simple.
12.3.1 Simple Case Syntax
The structure is very similar to that to be found in many programming languages. I.e.
when <Expression1> then <Result1>
when <Expression2> then <Result2>
else <Resultn>
Note that all the Expressions have to be of the same type as each other and all the Results also have to be of the same type as each other but the Expressions and Results can be of different types. Consider the following simple examples
Select ename,
Case sal
When 5000 Then 'Very Rich'
Else 'Pay rise needed now'
End 'Sal Comment'
From emp
ENAME SAL Sal Comment
KING 5000 Very Rich
BLAKE 2850 Pay rise needed now
JONES 2975 Pay rise needed now
FORD 3000 Rich
SMITH 800 Pay rise needed now
ALLEN 1600 Pay rise needed now
WARD 1250 Pay rise needed now
MARTIN 1250 Pay rise needed now
SCOTT 3000 Rich
TURNER 1500 Pay rise needed now
JAMES 950 Pay rise needed now
MILLER 1300 Pay rise needed now
Select ename,
Case job
When 'CLERK' Then 'Underpaid'
When 'MANAGER' Then 'Overpaid'
When 'PRESIDENT' Then 'Who is she?'
When 'ANALYST' Then 'Gimme some tools'
When 'SALESMAN' Then 'Watch your pockets'
End 'Job Comments '
From emp
Select ename,
sal 'Old_salary',
Case job
When 'ANALYST' Then sal*1.1
When 'CLERK' Then sal*1.2
When 'MANAGER' Then sal*0.8
Else sal
End 'New_salary'
From emp;
ENAME JOB Old_salary New_salary
FORD ANALYST 3000 3300
JAMES CLERK 950 1140
MILLER CLERK 1300 1560
Select grade,
Case grade
When 1 Then '15%'
When 2 Then '10%'
When 3 Then '8%'
Else '5%'
From salgrade;
1 15%
2 10%
3 8%
4 5%
5 5%
Select sal, deptno
From emp
Order by Case &orderby
When 1 Then sal
When 2 Then deptno
Else deptno
Explore - its use is limited (note that the types of the 'results' have to be (roughly?) the same - i.e. sal and deptno.
Select deptno,
Sum(Case job When 'CLERK' Then 1 Else 0
End) 'No. Of Clerks',
Sum(Case job When 'MANAGER' Then 1 Else 0
End) 'No. Of Managers'
From emp
Group By deptno
DEPTNO No. Of Clerks No. Of Managers
10 1 1
20 2 1
30 1 1
Make sure that the script given above above makes sense.
Select deptno,
Sum(Case job when 'CLERK' Then 1 Else 0
End) 'No. Of Clerks',
From emp
Group By deptno
Having Sum(Case job When 'CLERK' Then 1
Else 0 End) < 2
Of course you could always write
select deptno, count(empno)
from emp
where job = 'CLERK'
group by deptno
having count(empno) < 2
[There is a fundamental flaw with the script given below. It seeks to give percentage pay rises to particular job categories. Run it and correct it!]
Set auto off
Update emp
Set sal = sal * (Case job
When 'PRESIDENT' Then 0.5
When 'MANAGER' Then 1.1
When 'CLERK' Then 1.5
This is a more powerful implementation of the case function.
The basic structure is
when <Condition1> then <Result1>
when <Condition2> then <Result2>
else <Resultn>
You can have up to 127 conditions.
Note that, as before, all the Results also have to be of the same type.
N.B. The conditions are evaluated in order and as soon as a condition is found that evaluates to true then the processing stops and the corresponding result is applied. Thus searched case statements need to programmed carefully and it is expected that the conditions included are mutually exclusive and exhaustive (i.e. cover all possibilities).
Consider the examples given below.
Compare and contrast 1(a) and 1(b). Which of them is clearer and less prone to errors?
Select ename,
When sal >= 0 And sal < 1000 Then 'Needs a pay rise'
When sal >= 1000 And sal < 2000 Then 'Needs to be curtailed'
When sal >= 2000 And sal < 3000 Then 'Needs a pay cut'
else 'Rich'
End 'SalComm'
From emp
Select ename,
When sal < 1000 Then 'Needs a pay rise'
When sal < 2000 Then 'Needs to be curtailed'
When sal < 3000 Then 'Needs a pay cut'
Else 'Rich'
End 'SalComm'
From emp
Experiment with the following as well.
Update emp
Set comm =
When comm is null Then 0
When comm = 0 Then comm + 100
When comm > 0 then comm + 200
Else comm
Select Sum(Case When deptno = 10 Then sal End) d10,
Sum(Case When deptno = 20 Then sal End) d20,
Sum(Case When deptno = 30 Then sal End) d30
From emp
(different layout used)
select ename,
when hiredate like '%80' then 1980
when hiredate like '%81' then 1981
when hiredate like '%82' then 1982
else 1900
end 'YEAR'
from emp
(different layout used)
select ename,
when sal > (select avg(sal)from emp)
then 'Above Average'
when sal <(select avg(sal)from emp)
then 'Below Average'
else 'I do not believe it!'
end 'Comment'
from emp
For each employee list their employee number along with their commission or salary depending on whether they are a salesman or non-salesman respectively.
An attempt to output details of department numbers and a count of the number of salesmen they employ, as long as they employ less than two salesmen is given by:
Select deptno, count(*)
From emp
Where job = 'SALESMAN'
Group by deptno
Having count(*) < 2
Explain why this will not work (you do not consider the departments that have no staff .. for now) and write down the correct version.
N.B. These are only guidelines for an approach to the documentation of testing column and table constraints that are defined within Oracle's CREATE TABLE clauses. There may well be cases which will involve special consideration (e.g. the testing of some constraints may involve constructing decision tables).
The following notes make reference to the Tables d1 and e1 (given below). The files needed to create these files will be provided. N.B. it is likely that the command file containing the CREATE TABLE command will contain a number of REM statements (or use /* */) explaining any special comments regarding:
the choice of data types
the choice of constraints
referring, where possible, to the requirements specification. There is usually no need to make comments here on all choices of data types and constraints (but these will appear in an associated analysis/design documents).
REM **** Creating Table d1 ****
REM **** Add here any special comments ***
create table d1(
dno number(2) constraint pk_d1 primary key
constraint dno_pos check(dno in
dnam varchar2(6) constraint unq_dnam unique
constraint upp_dnam
check(dnam = upper(dnam))
REM **** Creating Table e1 ****
REM **** Add here any special comments ***
eno number(3) constraint pk_e1 primary key
constraint eno_pos check(eno > 0),
enam varchar2(6) constraint upp_enam
check(enam = upper(enam))
constraint nn_enam not null,
/* You could put a comment in here, over several lines if
necessary, but beware of cluttering your documentation */
dnumber number(2) constraint fk_dnumber references d1(dno),
constraint crosscheck check(eno/10
>= dnumber and
< dnumber + 10)
REM **** The crosscheck constraint is to . . etc.
REM **** More comments
In general the constraints Primary Key References (or Foreign Key Unique Not Null and the use of Default need not be formally tested as it can be assumed that they work. However it will be in your own interests to test them informally to ensure that your understanding of the underlying semantics is correct and, possibly, to ensure that they are actually there and in the right place! There is also, in general, no need to present any formal documentation to test the data types such as Number(4) Varchar2(6) Date, etc., although in some cases this may be necessary.
Of course the choice of constraints and data types must conform to the requirements specification.
Thus, in general, the
strategy is to test the semantic
constraints that use the keyword CHECK This might require the use
of white box testing, black box testing and equivalence partitioning. However simple checks such as
CHECK(name =
UPPER(name)) and
use standard SQL functions, and all the tester needs to do is confirm that they achieve the required effect. The basic strategy is very similar to that you have been used to for testing Java/Delphi/C programs.
Your Test Plan will require you to explain how the testing is actually going to be carried out, what data you are going to choose, and why.
You should also make an attempt to show that your testing is complete and covers all possibilities. (In practice, sometimes this is difficult but this does not prevent you from planning how you would attempt to test all the possibilities even if within a particular context it may be impractical to do so, e.g. in a time-constrained exercise!) This might require the use of typical values, extreme values and (if feasible) invoke all possible paths 'through the logic'.
Note, inserting valid data is also part of any testing regime.
It is usual to include after the the test plan some form of tabular layout which contains, for each test that is to be carried out, at least the following information:
a test number (possibly related to earlier documentation);
a description of the test (i.e. what you are testing, and why is it necessary); (N.B. a list of tests that appear in some random order is confusing for both the author and the person reading your work. The ordering and (consequent) numbering of the tests must have some rational basis);
the actual data input for the test;
the expected or required outcome. The expected outcome will often require some form of hand calculation, suitably cross referenced: e.g. see page nn
the actual outcome and any accompanying system messages;
a reference to the location of the actual output produced during the test (which you should also submit, to show that the test has actually been carried out);
a statement indicating whether the test has been successful or not (e.g. PASS/FAIL
where necessary (definitely for all 'Fails') give a brief comment and/or refer to other parts of your documentation where the matter is explained more fully;
when the test was carried out and who conducted the test.
The tabular layout suggested below may look different to what you have seen in other courses but it contains all the essential information. Of course, if a test fails then ideally the code should be corrected and the test run again! Tests that fail indicate a fundamental problem that has not been resolved.
N.B. When testing constraints you need to be very careful of possible 'conflicts' between Table and Column constraints. See below.
The following tabular layout itemising the constraints and how, in general, you intend to approach the testing process is highly recommended as it helps you to focus on the task in hand. Working through the constraints table by table is one sensible approach. [We shall not be considering transitional or database constraints in this section.]
The references to 'requirement number 4.3.3' etc. are to a hypothetical Requirement Specification document, or simply a scenario in an assignment which you may wish to re-write as a numbered list.
Column Constraint Name |
Purpose |
pk_e1 |
To ensure that the employee number is both unique and not null (i.e. to implement entity/key integrity). This is easily tested by attempting to enter two rows of data with the same value of eno, along with valid data for all the remaining attributes. This will be carried out but not included in the documentation. |
eno_range |
To ensure that the employee number is positive. See user requirement number 4.3.3 on page 134. check(eno > 0) can be quite effectively (and comprehensively) tested by using three values of eno , one positive, one 0 and one negative (in each case all the other attributes must have legal values). |
upp_enam |
To ensure that names are always entered in upper-case. See user requirement number 4.3.5 on page 135. check(enam = upper(enam)) can be quite effectively (and comprehensively) tested by attempting to enter a value for enam that contains a lower case letter. (all the other attributes must have legal values). [Debate whether one such test would suffice or should there be a test for each possible position in the string. We shall make the assumption that the upper function does work correctly and that testing will be minimal and need not be reported |
nn_enam |
An employee name cannot be null. No employee details can be entered without the name being known. See user requirement number 4.3.6 on page 135. Again the testing is simple. Enter a null value into enam, along with valid values for all the other attributes. |
fk_dnum |
To ensure referential integrity (and thus employees can only be allocated to departments that have been entered to the d1 table etc. etc.). Here you should also explain what kind of delete and update properties is required on the 'master' table d1. The level of detail here depends on the nature of what is required. If we use 'on delete restrict' and 'on update restrict' then we need to try and enter values of dnumber than do not equal any of the values of dno that already exist in the d1 table. Likewise there should be attempts to delete a row of d1 which contains a value of dno that currently exists as a value of dnumber in the e1 table, etc. In general there is no need to report on these tests as we shall assume that the Oracle code actually does work. Your tests are to see if you have placed the right constraint on the right attribute(s). |
Table Constraint Name |
Purpose |
crosscheck |
To ensure that employees in department 10 have employee numbers in the range 100 - 199 and employees in department 20 are in the range 200 - 299 etc. The constraint we have used for this is simply: constraint crosscheck check(eno/10 >= dnumber and eno/10 < dnumber + 10) [This is a potentially tricky test and all the possibilities should be carefully itemised. You should also make allowances for the fact that there may be separate constraints on eno and dnumber (which there are). A sensible initial strategy might be to assume that the values of eno and dnumber are legal. |
We now need to record the outcomes of the tests we have planned. The actual data
used can be itemised above or given here (or both).
TEST 201 |
Table | |
Constraint |
Crosscheck |
Date Of Test |
Name of tester(s) |
Sonny Terry |
Purpose Of Test |
To test the case when eno is clearly too large for a given dnumber and so will fail the crosscheck constraint. |
Data Entered |
eno : 234, enam : 'BLOGGS', dno : 10, together with other valid data for the remaining attributes which should be listed here! Comments: with an eno of 234 the employee should be in department 20. If this choice of data does not obviously break the constraint then further explanations may be required here) |
Expected Outcome |
Insert not allowed with a message stating that the crosscheck constraint has fired. |
Actual Outcome |
As expected (with the associated Oracle error message referring to crosscheck): see Page 368 for actual output. |
Comments |
Pass |
(Qu. What other tests would you have on 'crosscheck'?)
TEST 304 |
Table |
e1 |
Constraint |
eno_range |
Date Of Test |
Name of tester(s) |
B. McGee |
Purpose Of Test |
-1 below lower limit for eno and should thus be rejected |
Data Entered |
eno : -1 , enam: 'BLOGGS', dnumber: 10 etc. etc. (N.B. all the other data values which must be shown here i.e. for enam and dnumber must be chosen carefully so as to not break any other constraints.) |
Expected Outcome |
Insert not allowed with the firing of the eno_range constraint. |
Actual Outcome |
As expected? (with associated Oracle error message referring to eno_range): see Page 234 for details . BUT WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS??? In fact a different constraint has fired: which one? Why? |
Comments |
We would expect some analysis here |
An effective way of obtaining appropriate output is to use the spool command - see below.
It is likely that all such detail will be relegated to an appendix.
Consider the following command file which will be provided
Save the file as create_d1_e1.sql .
The role of the set commands will be explained in class.
REM *** A brief explanation of the set commands used
When used in a command file it suppresses the display of SQL*Plus commands as they are executed. The effect/output of the commands is not affected. Set Echo On will return you to the default mode. |
When used in a command file this suppresses the display that a command would output to the screen. It is often used when you are spooling output to a text file. Set Term On will return you to the default mode. */ |
set echo off
set term off
set pause off
spool created1e1.lis
set echo on
drop table e1
drop table d1
REM **** Creating Table d1 ****
REM **** Add here any special comments ***
create table d1(
dno number(2) constraint pk_d1 primary key
constraint dno_pos
check(dno in (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)),
dnam varchar2(6) constraint unq_dnam unique
constraint upp_dnam
check(dnam = upper(dnam)))
REM **** Creating Table e1 ****
REM **** Add here any special comments
create table e1(
eno number(4) constraint pk_e1 primary key
constraint eno_pos check(eno > 0),
enam varchar2(6) constraint upp_enam
check(enam = upper(enam))
constraint nn_enam not null,
dnumber number(2) constraint fk_dnumber references d1(dno)
on delete cascade,
constraint t_crosscheck
check(eno/10 >= dnumber and eno/10 < dnumber + 10)
REM **** Next two lines are optional
describe d1
describe e1
set echo off
spool off
set pause on
set echo on
set term on
The following command file will also be provided Save it as insert_d1_e1.sql
set term off
set echo off
set pause off
spool insertd1e1.lis
delete from e1
delete from d1
set echo on
REM ** ** ** ** ** ** ****
*** These inserts relate to the Testing Strategy
REM *** outlined in Section A.B, page xx
REM ***-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ---------
REM *** N.B The use of OPTIONAL below means that it
REM *** is optional to include these in your documentation. REM *** It is of course NOT OPTIONAL to conduct these
REM *** tests!!!
REM ** ** ** ** ** ** *************
REM *** V A L I D D A T A *******
REM *** so if not accepted need to check typing/table
REM *** definitions ***
insert into d1 values (10, 'TEN');
insert into d1 values (20, 'TWENTY');
insert into d1 values (30, 'THIRTY');
insert into d1 values (40, 'FORTY');
insert into d1 values (50, NULL);
REM *** Test 801 ****
REM *** Attempt to insert a value into dno outside valid
REM *** range (i.e. 70)
insert into d1 values (70, 'SEVEN');
REM **** Test 903 ****
REM **** Attempt to insert lower case dnam (OPTIONAL test)
insert into d1 values (10,'ten');
REM ** ** ** ** *****
REM **** Test 2001 *****
REM **** OPTIONAL test for unique dnam ***
insert into d1 values (60,'TEN')
REM **** Etc. Etc.
REM **** Firstly a set of VALID ENTRIES *****
insert into e1 values (100,'BLOGGS',10);
insert into e1 values (205,'MOOSE',20);
insert into e1 values (560,'NIXON',50);
insert into e1 values (120,'CRAGG',10);
insert into e1 values (334,'LONG',30);
insert into e1 values (447,'BLOGGS',40);
REM **** Test 42 ****
REM **** OPTIONAL Data Type check on enam ****
insert into e1 values (101,'SMITHSONIAN',50);
REM **** Test 4006 ****
REM **** OPTIONAL null test on enam ****
insert into e1 values (101,null,10);
REM **** Test 5001 ****
REM **** OPTIONAL Referential Integrity check****
insert into e1 values (121,'BLOGGS',60);
REM **** Test 5002
REM **** OPTIONAL Referential Integrity check ***
insert into e1 values (122,'MUGG',11);
REM **** Test 1 ****
REM **** eno_range : see page aa
insert into e1 values (-1,'BLOGGS',10);
REM **** Test 2 ****
REM **** crosscheck : see page ab **
insert into e1 values (601,'MARS',40);
REM **** Test 43 ****
REM **** crosscheck on Table e1 : see page ac
insert into e1 values (234,'PRATT',10);
REM **** Test 44 ****
REM **** crosscheck on Table e1 : see page ac
insert into e1 values (234,'PRATT',30)
REM ** ** ** ** ** ** *************
set echo off
spool off
set pause on
set term on
set echo on
Now invoke SQL (if you need to) and at the SQL> prompt type, in turn:
The spool commands contained in the
above .sql command files will create
two lis files, which contain the spooled output for
the above commands. You need to examine
these two files create_d1_e1.lis and insert_d1_e1.lis using your Text Editor (e.g.
Notepad) to check on the output. The
contents of insert_d1_e1.lis should contain be something like that given below (the
content might vary, but the essential detail will be the same). Check the content of create_d1_e1.lis for yourselves by loading it using your Text Editor. Not all the file is included
NB a file of this form is the evidence that you need to verify your testing and is often required in assignments
SQL> REM **** V A L I D D A T A *******
SQL> REM **** so if not accepted need to check typing/table
SQL> REM definitions ***
SQL> insert into d1 values (10,'TEN');
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into d1 values (20,'TWENTY');
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into d1 values (30,'THIRTY');
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into d1 values (40,'FORTY');
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into d1 values (50, NULL);
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> REM **** Test 801 ****
SQL> REM **** Attempt to insert a value into dno outside
SQL> REM **** valid range (i.e. 70)
SQL> insert into d1 values (70,'SEVEN');
insert into d1 values (70,'SEVEN')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (OPS$DL1.DNO_POS) violated
SQL> REM ** Test 903 ****
SQL> REM ** Attempt to insert lower case dnam (OPTIONAL test)
SQL> insert into d1 values (10,'ten');
insert into d1 values (10,'ten')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (DL1.UPP_DNAM) violated
SQL> REM ** ** ** ** *****
SQL> REM **** Test 2001 *****
SQL> REM **** OPTIONAL test for unique dnam ***
SQL> insert into d1 values (60,'TEN')
SQL> REM **** Etc. Etc.
SQL> REM **** Firstly a set of VALID ENTRIES *****
SQL> insert into e1 values (100,'BLOGGS',10);
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into e1 values (205,'MOOSE',20);
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into e1 values (560,'NIXON',50);
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into e1 values (120,'CRAGG',10);
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into e1 values (334,'LONG',30);
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into e1 values (447,'BLOGGS',40);
1 row created.
Commit complete.
SQL> REM **** Test 42 ****
SQL> REM **** OPTIONAL Data Type check on enam ****
SQL> insert into e1 values (101,'SMITHSONIAN',50);
insert into e1 values (101,'SMITHSONIAN',50)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column
SQL> REM **** Test 4006 ****
SQL> REM **** OPTIONAL null test on enam ****
SQL> insert into e1 values (101,null,10);
insert into e1 values (101,null,10)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01400: mandatory (NOT NULL) column is missing or NULL during insert
SQL> REM **** Test 5001 ****
SQL> REM **** OPTIONAL Referential Integrity check****
SQL> insert into e1 values (121,'BLOGGS',60);
insert into e1 values (121,'BLOGGS',60)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (DL1.FK_DNUMBER) violated - parent key not
SQL> REM **** Test 5002
SQL> REM **** OPTIONAL Referential Integrity check ***
SQL> insert into e1 values (122,'MUGG',11);
insert into e1 values (122,'MUGG',11)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (DL1.FK_DNUMBER) violated - parent key not
SQL> REM **** Test 1 ****
SQL> REM **** eno_range : see page aa
SQL> insert into e1 values (-1,'BLOGGS',10);
insert into e1 values (-1,'BLOGGS',10)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (OPS$DL1.T_CROSSCHECK) violated
SQL> REM **** Test 2 ****
SQL> REM **** crosscheck : see page ab **
SQL> insert into e1 values (601,'MARS',40);
insert into e1 values (601,'MARS',40)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (DL1.T_CROSSCHECK) violated
SQL> REM **** Test 43 ****
SQL> REM **** crosscheck on Table e1 : see page ac
SQL> insert into e1 values (234,'PRATT',10);
insert into e1 values (234,'PRATT',10)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (OPS$DL1.T_CROSSCHECK) violated
SQL> REM **** Test 44 ****
SQL> REM **** crosscheck on Table e1 : see page ac
SQL> insert into e1 values (234,'PRATT',30)
SQL> REM **** ETC., ETC., ETC.
SQL> REM ** ** ** ** ** ** *************
SQL> set echo off
Consider again the original Emp table. There is an implied constraint that only those with the job SALESMAN have commission. How would you attempt to enforce this and, more importantly, how would you set out to test that what you had implemented was correct.
It is very likely that in your assignment you will be creating a number of tables and populating them with sample data. You may be forced to re-create your tables because of a design error. As you will appreciate, tables have to be created and dropped in the correct order.
It might be useful for you to create (at least) two 'master command files' with the following structure.
Call one setup.sql and it will contain a list of commands such as
drop table1
drop table2
drop table3
create table3( . )
create table2( . )
create table3( . )
Thus typing @setup at the SQL> prompt will drop and build your complete database of tables. (You may wish to include commands to drop/create sequences and views as well).
The second command file could be reserved for populating the tables with valid data. Call it, say, populate.sql and it will contain a set of insert into commands. This can be invoked by typing @populate at the SQL> prompt.
It is possible that you may have to test the constraints again after re-building the database and before populating the table with valid data. Make sure that you have a set of associated command files to allow you to do this as well.
To display the contents of the tables all you need do is to print out (spool) the output from a set of
select 'an appropriate selection of columns'
from tablename;
commands. However it is possible that the output from some tables will not have 'one row per line'.
What does @@ allow you to do?
Background reading
14.0 Testing SQL Commands
N.B. These notes are only guidelines and each SQL command will have to be considered on its merits. However, the following will give you an indication of what needs to be done.
When presenting your documentation you need to
explain your strategy;
choose appropriate test data and justify your choices;
indicate the expected output showing clearly why it is the expected output (which may need to be 'hand-worked' and/or reference a table/s or particular row/s of a table);
comment on the process (the minimum being pass/fail).
The following example uses the tables you are using in your SQL tutorial.
Assume that a question you need to answer is labelled 3.4.
Question 3.4
Find the year in which most people, currently on grade 2, were appointed. Display the answer with the heading 'Year Of Hire', with the year displayed in the format 'YYYY', together with the number of people who satisfy the condition under the heading 'How Many' with the 'Many' below the 'How'.
Pause and reflect on how you might tackle this problem. It isn't as easy as it looks.
14.1 A Suggested Layout
In the section of your documentation called 4.0 Testing Queries (the 4.0 is clearly arbitrary) you could have the following structure.
4.0 Testing Queries
[Introductory comment, where to find the files, the naming conventions you have used and brief instructions on how to run the files. This could well be précis of what you have include in your User Documentation].
Query 1 (or Query 3.1 or whatever)
4.1.1 The Question
4.1.2 Proposed solution
4.1.3 Testing Strategy
4.1.4 Itemised Reports on the Testing
4.4 Query 4
4.4.1 The Question
Find the year in which most people, currently on grade 2, were appointed. Display the answer with the heading 'Year Of Hire', with the year displayed in the format 'YYYY', together with the number of people who satisfy the condition under the heading 'How Many'.
Proposed Solution
REM *** Author D.H.Lewis ***
REM *** Date Of Last Update 14-DEC-99 ***
REM *** Reason for update was .
REM *** Possible ALL updates might be recorded here.
REM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
REM **** The sub-query returns . . .
REM *** The use of to_char(hiredate, 'YYYY') is to
REM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Select substr(to_char(hiredate,'YYYY'),1,12)'Year Of Hire',
count(*) 'How Many'
From emp e,
salgrade s
Where e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal
And s.grade = 2
Group by to_char(hiredate, 'YYYY') -- Quite subtle!
Having count(*) =
(Select max(count(*)) -- Subquery looks similar. Why?
From emp e,
salgrade s
Where e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal
And s.grade = 2
Group by to_char(hiredate, 'YYYY'))
The output from the above file can be spooled in the usual way.
4.4.3 Testing Strategy
Reminder: there is no fixed 'off the shelf' method and each case will have to be considered on its merits. Clearly the programmer could decide to test the sub-query separately to ensure that it was returning the expected data. E.g. what exactly is the sub-query
Select max(count(*))
From emp e, salgrade s
Where e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal
And s.grade = 2
Group by to_char(hiredate, 'YYYY');
supposed to do? (It may not be that obvious at first sight. What if we removed the line s.grade = 2? Try it!). Having determined what the sub-query returns we could then test the main query using
Select substr(to_char(hiredate,'YYYY'),1,12)'Year Of Hire',
count(*) 'How Many'
From emp e, salgrade s
Where e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal
And s.grade = 2
Group by to_char(hiredate, 'YYYY')
Having count(*) = 'whatever value is returned by the sub-query';
At first sight this query is not that easy to analyse. Depending on your level of confidence you may also wish to break the query down into stages and, for example, test to see if the join is working correctly (it isn't a 'normal equi-join') and then add each clause in turn examining the effect of each. In this case it may well have been worth testing the role of
Group by to_char(hiredate, 'YYYY')
Which may not be all that obvious at first sight.
For some queries you may wish to invoke 'boundary value testing' or if the query has some particularly complex logic use a Decision Table or a Truth Table.
The final, essential, stages may just invoke Black Box Testing which simply focuses on the overall functionality of the query without considering each component of the query. Many 'simple' SQL queries can be tackled this way but the analysis and explanation of the expected output must be clearly itemised.
If we consider a Black Box Strategy then the cases for consideration (i.e. The Test Plan) could include:
There is one year which has the maximum number on grade 2.
The data needed to test this case is currently in the emp table when there are
2 people on grade 2 appointed in 1981. See the listing of the emp table on page xy.
There are two years with the
same maximum, of 1, currently on grade 2.
The data needed to test this case can be obtained by deleting . from the emp table.
There are two years with the
same maximum, greater than 1, currently on grade 2.
The data needed to test this case can be obtained by inserting the row
(7921, 'TIRED', 'CLERK', 7782, '24-JAN-82', 1350, null, 10)
into the emp table with the purpose of increasing the number of people on grade 2 hired in 1982 to 2 which is equal to the current maximum for 1981.
There are more than two years with the same maximum number currently on grade 2.
The data needed to test this case .
There are no employees on grade 2.
The data needed to test this case can be obtained by deleting all employees currently on grade 2. (Aside: how would you do this?)
This set of cases is not complete! What would you add? When can you be sure that you have considered all the possibilities?
One of the key roles in drawing up a Test Plan is to try and ensure 'completeness' i.e. to answer the question 'have we considered all the possibilities?'. In some cases such 'exhaustive testing' will be very time consuming and only a well defined subset of cases will be chosen. However it will also be clear what cases have not been properly tested and, possibly, placed in the context of some risk analysis.
Please note that alterations to a table can be temporarily enforced by using the following strategy.
Use the command set auto off at the SQL> prompt
Now carry out the inserts/deletes/updates on the relevant tables.
Show the data currently in the table(s).
Execute the query, spooling the output as appropriate.
Undo the changes to the tables(s) by typing the rollback command at the SQL> prompt.
E.g. a typical command file could look like this:
Set auto off
Spool question34
Insert into emp values (7921, 'TIRED', 'CLERK', 7782, '24-JAN-82', 1350, null, 10);
REM *** Confirm the data in Emp (optional in this case?)
Select * from emp;
REM *** Now run the query
Start question34
Spool off
The data chosen to test each of these case must be clearly documented and justified as being appropriate. Please document the Test Plan using the following tabular layout.
4.4.4 Structured Presentation of Testing
Name of tester |
E. Clapton |
Date of test |
Purpose of test |
To test the case where there is one year with a maximum number of appointments |
Selected Test Data |
Data as shown in Table listing for Emp on Page xx. |
Data Input |
Not applicable |
Expected Output |
One row, under the relevant headings, with data (1981, 2). The Emp table has 11 employees appointed in 1981 and currently 2 of them are on grade 2. The only other years that have appointments are 1980, 1982 and 1983. In each of those years the number on grade 2 are 0, 1 and 0 respectively. (N.B. The expected output could involve prolonged calculations or considerable cross-referencing. It may be appropriate in these cases to refer the reader to an appendix) |
Actual Output |
As expected. See page 807 (important to include this reference) |
Comment |
Pass |
Name of tester |
B. B. King |
Date of test |
Purpose of test |
To test if the query works when there are two years with a maximum greater than 1. |
Selected Test Data |
Insert the row (7921, 'TIRED', 'CLERK', 7782, '24-JAN-82', 1350, null, 10) into the emp table with the purpose of increasing the number of people on grade 2 hired in 1982 to 2 which is equal to the current maximum for 1981. See selected table listing on page xy. (N.B. It is not necessary to always list the complete table and in some cases, as here, it may not be necessary to list the table at all. However the test must be capable of being replicated easily) |
Data Input |
Not applicable |
Expected Output |
Two rows (1981, 2) and (1982, 2). See Selected Test Data above. |
Actual Output |
As expected. See page yy. |
Comment |
Pass |
Name of tester |
C. Berry |
Date of test |
Purpose |
To consider the case when there is no-one on grade 2. |
Selected Test Data |
The Emp table (see page xy) with the following rows deleted |
Data Input |
Not applicable |
Expected Output |
No data displayed as there is no-one on grade 2. (It is conceivable that a 'maximum of 0 for each year is also an acceptable display) |
Actual Output |
No rows selected. See page ab. |
Comment |
Pass. The query works as specified except that the output obtained when there are no employees on grade two is unsatisfactory. See comment in Expected Output. |
It is very important that the documentation of testing is clear and that it is easy to audit. A simple consistent numbering system as used above will help. Just presenting the itemised reports (4.4.4 above) is not sufficient. It is very important to leave the reader in no doubt about why you are claiming what the Expected Outcome is. You may well need to refer to tables (page reference please) plus amendments made to those tables itemised in the row Selected Test Data.
The output from a test must not be edited in any way
You must not include the tests that fail unless they are your final attempt at the query. Of course the purpose of testing is the locate and remove errors
The data dictionary in Oracle is a repository of metadata i.e. data about the database you are building. It stores information about all the Tables, Views, Sequences and other objects that you have created. Occasionally you might find it useful to retrieve some information from the data dictionary. The system provides a view called DICT that allows you to view what tables/views exist in the data dictionary.
Try out the following commands (i.e. type them at the SQL> prompt).
and then
Select table_name, comments
From Dict
Where table_name like 'USER%';
/* table_name is a column name of Dict */
The system will return a list of all table names that start with USER. These are the ones that are most likely to be of use to you. (You could try Select * from Dict if you wish!).
Some of these views are listed below, there are many, many more! #
You will need to format the output or make a selection of the columns you wish to see.
For example to determine the columns
available in user_tables use
describe user_tables
Table_Name |
Comments |
Contains all the Tables, Views, Sequences etc. owned by the user |
Description of users own tables |
Description of users own views |
Guess what! |
Constraint definitions on user's tables |
Stores information about triggers defined by the user |
To be completed by the reader |
To be completed by the reader |
To be completed by the reader |
To be completed by the reader |
(Note: using Describe will help)
Explore the information stored in CAT, TAB and USER_CONSTRAINTS.
Use Describe first and then select the columns you wish to view. N.B. Table_names and column_names
are stored as strings of upper-case letters and so you will have to use
conditions such as .
= 'EMP' etc.
Create the following command file. You may wish to type desc dict first to check what is going on.
Column table_name Format a30
Column comments Format a40
Select * from dictionary
Where table_name like USER%
Order by table_name;
Now run the file and observe.
Select constraint_name, constraint_type
From user_constraints
Where table_name = 'EMP';
Explore the built in tables/views USER_OBJECTS and USER_SOURCE by using the commands
Observe the columns/ attributes and see what you can find out about them.
Try, for example, running the queries:
Select name,
From user_source
Where name Like '%DISPLAY%'
Select object_id,
From user_objects
Where object_type = 'PROCEDURE'
Character values are compared using one of two comparison rules
(used by Oracle when both strings are of the type Char)
If the strings are of equal length then the conventional character by character comparison takes place.
If the strings are of different lengths then Oracle adds blanks (spaces) to the end of the shorter one. The comparison is then carried out using a conventional character by character comparison until two differing characters are found.
Examples D is used to represent a blank)
'xy' < 'xz'
'Ab' < 'ab'
'abcD' = 'abcDD' (as the left hand side is padded out to 'abcDD
'abc' > 'ab' (i.e. 'abc' > 'abD' as 'c' > 'D
(used by Oracle when one or both of the strings is of type Varchar2)
If the strings are of equal length then the conventional character by character comparison takes place.
If the strings are of differing lengths then if they are identical up to the end of the shorter one then the longer one is deemed to be greater.
'xy' < 'xz'
'Ab' < 'ab'
'abc' < 'abcD
'abc' > 'ab'
There are four types of output file you can produce when extracting data using SQL*Plus:
Delimited Columns
Fixed Width Columns
Delimited Files use a special text character to separate each data value in a record. Typically the delimiter is either a TAB or a comma. When a comma is used the files are often called comma separated value or CSV files.
E.g. (from the Dept Table) a CSV file could look like
Each column is a certain width. E.g.
This will not be covered this year
17.4 DML
That is any INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE etc. statement. This will not be covered this year.
17.5 DDL
For example a statement including a CREATE or ALTER command. This will not be covered this year
Maximum line length is 32,767 characters
It only handles the extraction of basic data types such as NUMBER, VARCHAR2, DATE, etc. (and not complex types such as BLOBs)
Basic Steps
Formulate the query
Format the data
Spooling the output
(and preferably make the script user-friendly!)
Select empno, ename, hiredate, sal
From emp;
Modify the query so that it returns a single long expression that combines the columns together in the format you want in your output file. You will have to include text literals so that the commas appear in this output. We shall initially consider the problem of creating a CSV file that can be read by Microsoft Excel. We can use Oracle's To_Char function to convert all the data into character format.
From emp
Oracle's To_char function has been used to explicitly convert numeric fields to text strings. And, incidentally (and this is not strictly necessary as you could use the default date format) To_char has also been used to change the default format of hiredate.
The use of the concatenation operator should be obvious.
The output from this file (minus the heading) is :
Note that the name has been placed in quotes. This has been done to cover the possibility that an employee's name could contain a comma.
To activate the output it can be spooled to a text file and then activated in the usual way. We shall concentrate on CSV files.
We need to make the parameter linesize large enough to accommodate the longest possible line. Use something like SET LINESIZE 120
Turn off all pagination feature by using SET PAGESIZE 0. This will turn off all column headings, page headings, page headers, page breaks etc.
Turn feedback off with SET FEEDBACK OFF
Eliminate trailing spaces with the command SET TRIMSPOOL OFF
REM *** This script extracts data from the EMP table
REM *** and writes it to a CSV file.
PROMPT This script create a CSV file
PROMPT containing details from the Emp table.
Pause Press ENTER to continue or CTRL+C to abort.
ACCEPT Output_file CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the name of the output file >'
From emp
-- Reset the SQL*Plus environment
If the name of the file you entered was, say, extract_emp then the name of the file that Oracle will create is extract_emp.lst which will contain
Rename this file as EXTRACT_EMP.CSV and load it into Excel.
(Use File + Open then go to Files of type.. and choose text files (which includes CSV files.)
Dec-80 |
Feb-81 |
Feb-81 |
Apr-81 |
Sep-81 |
May-81 |
Jun-81 |
Dec-82 |
Nov-81 |
Sep-81 |
Jan-83 |
Dec-81 |
Dec-81 |
Jan-82 |
Each row in a database has an address. You can examine this address by querying the pseudo column ROWID.
Select rowid, ename, hiredate
From emp;
Where deptno = 30;
The values output for the rowid column are hexadecimal strings with the format
block.row.file. An example could be 000000E.00001.00003 which identifies it as the second row (remember counting starts at 00000) of the fourteenth data block in the third data file (annoyingly, for files the counting starts at 1!).
Normally each row of each table has a unique value for rowid. However it is possible for two rows from different table to have the same rowid if the tables are in the same cluster. You can query a table using rowids but it is not that usual. However access via a rowid is the fastest means of accessing an individual row. The rowids are not actually stored in the database.
(note the structure of Rowid has changed in Oracle 8 to accommodate partitioning).
Use the Oracle SQL reference file provided to discover all you can about ROWNUM.
The To_Char function can also be used to convert a value of Number data type to a value of Varchar2 data type.
Type in the command
Select to_char(sal,'L9,999',' nls_currency = ''£'' ') sal
From emp;
and observe.
N.B. The format models do not affect the actual internal representation of the column value. They only affect how the column value is displayed.
By default Word (and other Word processing packages) will usually use the smart version of quotes when you type. Examples of smart quotes are
"Hello" and 'DATA'.
The ordinary version of these quotes, which is what you need for SQL (and other programming languages) look like this
'Hello' and 'DATA'.
If you cut and paste from a Word document into SQL then using the smart quotes will generate an error. Thus, switch them off.
In Word 2003 by
Note You can find and replace all instances of single or double curly quotes with straight quotes in your document. To do this, clear the 'Straight quotes' with 'smart quotes' check box on the AutoFormat As You Type tab. On the Edit menu, click Replace. In both the Find what and Replace with boxes, type ' or ', and then click Find Next or Replace All.
In Word 2007
Click the Microsoft Office Button ,
and then click Word Options.
Click Proofing, and then click AutoCorrect Options.
In the AutoCorrect dialog box, do the following:
Click the AutoFormat As You Type tab, and under Replace as you type, select or clear
Click the AutoFormat tab, and under Replace, select or clear the 'Straight quotes' with "smart quotes" check box.
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