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Ambition |
For others life in its real sense is an ambition . The simple act of creation means an ambition to many people . The creative act is born from an irresistible impulse towards the absolute, that is the wish of the individual to lift his subjectivity to ... |
America |
Downtown Detroit Hotels The City That Was When you click on points of interest in the panoramic photo of 1906 Detroit in the right frame, text and images will appear in this frame . Each picture within the pages can also be clicked on to pr ... |
American Presidents |
Monroe didn’t want a European power who later will make a European colonies in America . Colombia and Argentina ,gaining their independence, were examples for other countries as self-rule . So in this case Monroe asked J ... |
American vs. British English |
S . American and British English are both "variants" of the English Language, more similar than different, especially with "educated" or "scientific" English . Most divergence is due to differences in national history and national cultural developme ... |
An absent |
He then saw a young woman dressed in a wedding dress whose face enlightened when seing him . She was about 25-26 years old,she had short blond hair and she was not very tall that is probably why she seemed to be rather fat ... |
Anestezie(engl) |
Ambulatory Anesthesia CURRENT STATUS OF REGIONAL ANESTHESIA FOR ADULT OUTPATIENTS Dermot Fitzgibbon MB, BCh, FFARCSI From the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington Address reprint re ... |
Anglia |
George’s Channel, and the Atlantic Ocean to Land’s End, the westernmost extremity of England and of the island . The northern frontier extends from Solway Firth on the west along the Cheviot Hills to the mouth of the Tweed on the east ... |
Argentina |
376 kms and the coast, on the Atlantic Ocean, is 5 . 117 kms long . SOME GEOGRAPHY The fundamental characteristic of Argentina is the enormous contrast between the immense eastern plains and the imposing mountain range of the Andes to the west ... |
Art |
The work is considered a masterpiece in the use of perspective and in the portrayal of the artistic ideals of the High Renaissance . Scala/Art Resource, NY Raphael Drawing Subtle shading, giving the illusion of voluptuous, rounded shape is chara ... |
Artificial intelligence versus human |
But we can also consider another agenda -- that of replacing or augmenting the electronics/silicon substrate of modern computation with a living, biochemical substrate . Important engineering advantages include the (unique) capability of self-replica ... |
We can speak very much about music , but I think that you already know a lot of things about music . So let me tell you about one of my favourite bands . One of my favourite band is Backstreet Boys (BSB) . In this band there are 5 boys : Nick , A ... |
Atestat |
Played by professionals and amateurs (generally male high school and college students), football is one of the most popular American sports, attracting thousands of participants and millions of spectators annually ... |
Atestat engleza |
CHAPTER I ALFRED BERNHARD NOBEL Swedish chemist, engineer, and industrialist who invented dynamite and other more powerful explosives and who also founded the Nobel Prize, Alfred Bernhard Nobel was the fourth son of I ... |
Atestat LONDRA |
From Westminster it’s a manageable walk upriver to the Tate Gallery, repository of the nation’s largest collection of modern art as well as the main assemblage of British art . The grand streets and squares of Piccadilly, St James’s, Mayfair and Mary ... |
BAC 2002 |
5 . He may have been seriously ill if he neither came nor called . 6 . He was asked what he was going to do . 9 . 1 . It turned out that the loss of his job was a good thing . 2 . There has been growing interest in digital television over the last year ... |
Ben Jonson |
It is not that the value of poetry is only its value to living poets for their own work; but appreciation is akin to creation, and true enjoyment of poetry is related to the stirring of suggestion, the stimulus that a poet feels in his enjoyment of ... |
Berlin |
By the time Germany was unified in October 1990, much of the wall had been torn down . A few small segments remain as memorials . Economy Following the division of the city of Berlin in 1949, the economies of the two halves of the city were integrate ... |
Bismarck |
In 1859 he became ambassador to Russia, and in 1862 he was posted to France . Unification That same year a bitter dispute between the Prussian government and Parliament over the size of the army reached an impasse ... |
Bleak House |
Bleak House -Charles Dickens- Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 at Lamport, Portsmouth, being the second of the eight children of John Dickens, a clerk in the Naval Pay Office . John Dickens’ work took him from place to place, so that ... |
Bolile |
Typhoid Fever Typhoid fever is an acute bacterial disease caused by Salmonella typhi . Typhoid germs are passed in the feces and, to some extent, the urine of infected people . The germs are spread by eating or drinking water or food contaminated by f ... |
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