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But Michelangelo didn't stay there for long. He ran away to Venetia, just before Piero's thrown away, in 1494. Then, Michelangelo moved to Bologna. He worked for Lorenzo di Piefrancesco dei Medici Popolani. Later, in his way of recovering a statue sculpted by himself, Michelangelo went to Rome. He sat there 5 years: from 1496 to 1501.
From that period there are two famous sculptures: Bachus, made for Jacopo Galli and Pietà from San Pietro.

For unknown reasons, Michelangelo returned to Fluorinate. He sat there from 1501 to 1505. He found everything changed. But a great thing happened to him: he met Leonardo da Vinci. Michelangelo had the opportunity to be in touch with da Vinci's work and da Vinci himself. Leonardo, who was 23 years older, encouraged Michelangelo. They did not become friends. But important was that Michelangelo agreed the fact that Leonardo was still better than he was and tried to learn from him, and Leonardo understood that Michelangelo's talent was real and very well used.

During the time spent in Fluorinate Michelangelo sculpted a lot of statues. The first 'job' was coming from Cardinal Francesco Piccolomini (future Pope Pirus II), Jacopo Galli's friend. Michelangelo had to make 15 statues for the Cathedral from Siena, in 4 years.
Michelangelo's behavior was at least weird. He did not respect the engagement. At the end of the period he had only 4 statues. Michelangelo made another sculpture, Madonna from Brunger, for the Cathedral from Siena, but he changed his mind: he sold it in 1506. He sculpted a lot of others 'Maddens'. They were very beautiful pieces, unlike the ones from Siena. Michelangelo's statues gave the impression of life.
At this time, Michelangelo met Donatello and Leonardo. And from now on, Donatello and Leonardo, beside the ancient influence, inspired Michelangelo' s technique.
Michelangelo's strange behavior found a reason: he was trapped, body and soul, by the giant block of marble, which would become David.
In 1463 Agostino di Duccio sculpted a 'Hercules'. The next year his masters required him another huge statue, David. For a stupid reason di Duccio refused and messed all. In 1501 Michelangelo received an offer: to continue (the unstarted) work of Agositno di Duccio. He accepted immediately. 'David' was ready in 1504 and it had been appreciated by Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli and many others. It was placed in the middle of Fluorinate.
Some time later, Michelangelo had been called to paint "Battle of Casincea", together with Leonardo, which was painting "Battle of Anghiari". Both of the paintings should be exhibited in the big court of Palazzo Vecchio.

MID YEARS (1505-1534)

Michelangelo riched the highest step of his glory, when he was called to Rome, for decorating pope's Iuliu 2nd's grave.
Michelangelo accepted right away, because, finally he had the opportunity to fulfil his dream: to make a huge work, to put all his talent in there. But, unfortunately, with all the good pieces of advice of Giuliano Sangallo, the pope listened to envious artists, like Bramate, and concealed the contract.
Michelangelo got very furious. His patience was too hard tried. He left Rome without any word. The pope felt sorry for offending such an artist and looked for him. The reconciliation took place in Bologna, 1506. Michelangelo made a statue of Iuliu II, there, in Bologna, but it would be destroyed in 1511. Finally Michelangelo returned to Rome, where, his friend Giuliano Sagnallo convinced all that Michelangelo is the man. Only Michelangelo could paint the 'Valut of the Sixtine Chapel'. The envious artists also believed that Michelangelo should paint the Valut. The thought that Michelangelo would not accept (he was a sculptor) and offence the pope. If Michelangelo would accept, they were sure that he would never be capable of such great work. They were all wrong. Although against his will, Michelangelo accepted. He started in May, 1508. He worked without any help, far away from the outside world.
There was some information, which said that at first Michelangelo had to paint only a little part of the Valut. But Iuliu II was irritated by Michelangelo's pressing. The great artist told him over and over that the Valut was empty and pour, and he would never let it like that. Thence Iuliu II said his famous words: "Do what you want!". And Michelangelo did what he wanted. On the 31st of October, 1512, the 'Valut of the Sixtin Chapel' was open. Thousands of people crossed themselves in front of a miracle.
The Valut meant very much. Michelangelo's genius was recognized by all. But the glory was nothing for Michelangelo. He had a lonely life and the only joy he could have was to make pope Iuliu II's grave. But life had a new blow: the pope died, on the 21st of February 1513.

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