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This company brings refreshment to people in nearly 200 countries. Here are brief descriptions
of Coca-Cola's business in some of those countries -- information about it's local history,
brands, bottling operations, community involvement, and other initiatives.
Come explore some of the countries where Coca-Cola beverages are enjoyed.



FANTA Adapts Proven Approaches to Improve Food Security and Nutrition of Women and

The FANTA project adapts proven processes and technologies to enhance the overall
effectiveness of health, nutrition, and food security programs. By targeting women
prior to pregnancy and children experiencing mild and moderate malnutrition, FANta fills
a technical void which will contribute to improved child survival and healthier, better
nourished mothers.
FANTA Supports USAID Strategic Planning and Program Analyses
As a key technical resource for USAID's expanding food security and nutrition portfolio,
integrates nutrition concerns into strategic planning processes
provides sound analyses for food security and nutrition policy development, and
advances food security and nutrition knowledge through state-of-the-art technical
assistance and information products.
FANTA Improves Program Quality and Impact
FANTA improves the quality and nutritional impact of food security programs by
targeting USAID's largest nutrition and food security program -the development
and emergency Title II food aid portfolio managed by the Office of Food for Peace

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