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A good time, but polluted

That forest wasn't far away from the city. It was a good idea because all of them wanted to spend have a good

time. So we took some sandwiches, a big cake and orange juice and started our "little trip". It was our holiday and

we wanted to be the best, the funny trip that we had. On our way to the forest we said jokes. It didn't matter for

us that some people were looking strange to us. All we wanted was to a have a good time. We saw a poor man

who was sitting on the road. I looked at him and I stopped laughing. I gave him a sandwich and he thanked me.

But I forgot really quickly about that man and I continued my way with my friends.

Finally we got there and we looked at the forest. It was the perfect place to play something scared. But we

didn't play anything. We walked through the forest, I and the girls started to sing. But the boys didn't want to

heard us. We were singing and singing, we did not stop. The boys got angry with us and they started to implore

us to shut up. And we stop. We were good girls. But in this time we found a glade. It was really beautiful. The

birds were singing, the trees were green and sun light was so warm that we couldn't go farther away. And it was

a good place for a picnic. We didn't know what to do know. But I remembered I had a packet of cards. We

played a little but we wanted to do something else.

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