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Romeo si Julieta - comentariu, William Shakespeare Romeo si Julieta de William Shakespeare   William Shakespeare (1564-1616), dramaturg si poet englez, este unul dintre numele cele mai importante al literaturii un ...
William Faulkner 1897-1962 Adevarul este ca Faulkner reuneste in opera sa doua tendinte dominante ale literaturii americane de la inceputuri: pe cea a povestirii psihologice horror asa cum a fost ea cultivata printre altii, de ...
At the turn of the 1580s, it is claimed, he served as tutor in the household of Alexander Houghton, a prominent Lancashire Catholic and friend of the Stratford schoolmaster John Cottom . While others in this network went on to suffer and die for thei ...
Shakespeare was born 23rd of April 1564, the same day as the day of his death, 52 years later - at Stratford on Avon, a small town in Warwickshire, in the heart of England . His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover, a wooddealer and perhaps a butch ...
The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare In 1598, Francis Meres described Shakespeare as “the most excellent in both sides - comedy and tragedy” . His comedies are unsurpassed for the marvellous harmony they establish among so many appare ...

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